How To Avoid Work-at-Home Scams and What To Do When You're A Victim

Written by Vishal P. Rao

© 2004 Vishal P. Rao

As more and more people opt-out of conventional jobs and instead choose to work from their homes,repparttar number of work-at-home scams has also increased. Each year thousands of people find outrepparttar 117094 hard way that opportunities which are too good to be true usually are but not before they invest and waste millions of dollars a year.

You don't have to be one of those unfortunate people. All you need to do is to become more informed, askrepparttar 117095 appropriate questions, and know what to do if you arerepparttar 117096 victim of illegitimate opportunity.

Become More Informed

One ofrepparttar 117097 first things you should become aware of arerepparttar 117098 types of business opportunities which are most frequently scams.

One ofrepparttar 117099 oldest of these scams are stuffing envelopes and/or assembling items in your home. You'll find these opportunities in lots of sources, even some that are legitimate. However, what most of these ads fail to say is that you have to pay them a fee to begin. Then after you complete your job, your work is often rejected as substandard and, of course, you never see a penny. The other thing that happens is that you have to send in money only to receive instructions on how to place an ad just likerepparttar 117100 one that you've just placed in order to bring individuals just like yourself.

Another common work-at-home scams are Pyramid schemes. Pyramid schemes are often passed off as MLM (multi-level marketing) opportunities, but there is a key difference. Pyramid schemes are more concerned with having you bring in more people and less concerned with selling products. The reason is that they aren't making their money off of selling anything to actual customers but from taking money from hopeful entrepreneurs like you. Most of these schemes ask you to make an investment or a purchase in order to become a full-fledged participant and/or to receive all of your potential profits. Generally, you never see any ofrepparttar 117101 earnings promised in their advertisements.

If an opportunity you've found seems to fall into one of these categories, you should start asking questions before signing up for anything.

New Idea, New Start - How to make your new business idea really happen

Written by Julia McDaid


Did you read allrepparttar stuff about New Year resolutions inrepparttar 117093 press? Articles on what to do, how to lose weight, how to detox, how to diet and how to save money. Are you fed up ofrepparttar 117094 sight of them?

Its true that Christmas and New Year is a time for reflection and taking stock. It is oftenrepparttar 117095 only time that you have a few quiet days away from work to think about where you are and what you want to do. And it is equally true that a lot of people do make decisions about things they want to change in their lives.

Generally if you want to make changes to your life it falls into one of three areas: making more money, having more free time or having more fun/a better life. Most ofrepparttar 117096 new year resolutions we hear and read about fall intorepparttar 117097 last category and relate to improving your personal situation for example losing weight or getting fit.

However, a few people do look atrepparttar 117098 bigger picture and decide they want to do something completely new. If this is you your reasons are probably a desire to take control, have more money, totally change your lifestyle, and oftenrepparttar 117099 means chosen to achieve this is to start your own business.

So if this is you – then how do you make it happen? It is true that you can create a life with more money, more free time and more enjoyment by running your own business, but where do you start?

What does it mean to you?

So you’ve decided you want to run your own business? What does that mean to you? Think about what it means in terms of your lifestyle,repparttar 117100 time you want to spend and what you want to achieve, as well as what precisely you want to do as a business.

Do you know? I hear from quite a few people who have decided to run their own business or work from home but don’t actually know what business they want to be in! If this is you don’t worry – you’re not alone.

Clearly until you decide you cannot move on torepparttar 117101 next stage of actually getting going, so if you don’t know think about what you enjoy doing, what skills you have and what experience you have. What could you do with these? And don’t just think aboutrepparttar 117102 obvious things – you don’t have to just “give yourself a job” doing what you did for your last employer.

Talk it over with other people, they will see different things to you so will give you a different aspect on your thought process. If you don’t have something of your own perhaps you might want to look at buying a franchise – there are many different types of business available.

Do some research. Look intorepparttar 117103 type of business you want to run and find out what is happening inrepparttar 117104 industry, whererepparttar 117105 demand is and how you could fit into that.

Once you know what you want to do, you want to get it right first time if you can. We have all readrepparttar 117106 statistics about new businesses – some 80% of them don’t make it. So how to you give yourselfrepparttar 117107 best chance?

How do you make it happen?

In order to get your business off torepparttar 117108 best start I think there are a number of things that you can do. In a nutshell they are planning, passion, people and practicalities.

Firstly passion - will you be doing something that you enjoy? I hope so! If you don’t answer yes to this question, then why are you thinking of doing it? If you enjoy what you’re doing it will seem a lot easier and you will ultimately be more successful than someone who doesn’t.

Secondly planning. This comes in at all stages of setting up and running your business and at many levels. To start with you need to look at your goals or vision for your business. Once you have a clear picture in your mind about what you want to do think about what you want fromrepparttar 117109 business and what you want to achieve. This will be different for everybody, we all have our own goals and ideas so don’t worry about what anyone else thinks or wants. Are you looking for an income, a high profile, a good reputation, or any combination of these and other things?

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