How To Avoid Spam Robots

Written by Jim Edwards

Despiterepparttar fact that Federal legislation (the CANSPAM act) made it illegal, harvesting email addresses fromrepparttar 142452 web using automated robots remains alive and well.

Spammers who need fresh email addresses release software spider programs that combrepparttar 142453 Internet and suck email addresses off Web pages, guest books, and anywhere else you might post your email address.

Once they get your email address, spammers will trade it around like 5th graders with a new pack of Pokemon cards at recess and you can expectrepparttar 142454 avalanche of email to begin flooding your inbox.

In order to combat this still rampant practice of stealing email addresses from websites and sending people email they don't want,repparttar 142455 following tips should help protect you.

** Break It Up **

Obviouslyrepparttar 142456 best way to avoid getting picked up by an email harvester is not to post your email anywhere on anyone's website (including your own).

Ifrepparttar 142457 only way someone can get your email is if you give it to them, that creates a similar situation to operating with an unlisted phone number.

If telemarketers can't get your phone number, they can't call.

If you must post your email address, post it in a way that a robot won't recognize it as an email address. Instead of posting YOURNAME@YOURDOMAIN.COM, you can put YOURNAME (AT) YOURDOMAIN.COM and then, in parenthesis, put (replace AT with @ to email me).

Though it seems like an extra step for legitimate email, you'll find it a very effective technique.

** Use An Image **

Currently, online spiders (ANY spider, including search engines) cannot read text that appears in a graphic or picture. If you must display an email address on a page, then do it by typing your email address into your favorite graphics program and savingrepparttar 142458 image as a .gif or .jpg. Then postrepparttar 142459 image onto your web page so people can seerepparttar 142460 email, but spiders cannot. This too creates an extra step for people because they must type in your email address, but it's an effective solution if you must display an email address on your own website.

Affinity Program for Manufacturing PR Announced by TR Cutler, Inc.

Written by Thomas Cutler

Ranked asrepparttar nation’s leading manufacturing public relations firm, TR Cutler, Inc. ( based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, is launching a new affinity program providing intensive Manufacturing PR Media Blitz’ to members of manufacturing associations. According to Cutler, “Manufacturing Associations have been seeking ways to drive additional revenue streams. Overrepparttar 142451 past few years membership revenue has decreased and service revenue has been one ofrepparttar 142452 few ways in which these associations have been able to survive.

Due torepparttar 142453 leadership role that TR Cutler, Inc. has inrepparttar 142454 manufacturing public relations arena, we have decided to introduce a program that will allow manufacturing associations to offer their members deeply discounted PR services starting in September 2005. There will be no cost forrepparttar 142455 manufacturing associations to participate inrepparttar 142456 program.”

•Cutler foundedrepparttar 142457 Manufacturing Media Consortium™ inrepparttar 142458 same year. This is a group of more than 2000 journalists worldwide writing about trends, data, case studies, profiles, and features inrepparttar 142459 manufacturing and industrial sector. Cutler worked with hundreds of media outlets to expandrepparttar 142460 coverage and importance ofrepparttar 142461 manufacturing media coverage.

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