I find that most people seem to start trying to make Money online with a Home Business at
wrong time. They just lost their job, there spouse just lost theirs or money problems have overwhelmed them. They are in a disparate situation, they need to make money Now, not tomorrow, but Now.
That is exactly
Wrong time to start.
Because they are looking for something that doesn't exist. Money over night, success in a flash. Instant Riches.
Sorry to say, it doesn't happen that way. Don't believe all
Hype you read on Websites, or posted on Company Message Boards or coming from some upline member above you.
What is
purpose of
Company Website after all?
To get you to join, spend your money or time or both and if it seems to promise that it's going to be easy making money, that they do all
work and you just collect
checks, don't fall for it. They just want your money and your time.
If members post on
Company boards about
hundreds of members they've signed up almost over night, don't think just because they did it, you can.
How did they do it?
They have either spend a Lot of Money Promoting, or paid for sign ups which in
long run will be almost worthless. Or, and most likely of all, they have a Large Mailing List that they have built up over time of people who have joined things with them in
past and trust them.
The same goes for that Heavy Hitter upline of yours who writes everyone below him or her and tells them how easy it was to get sign ups. Hog wash... Easy for them, not so easy for you and
rest of us.
For most of us, it's going to take time and a lot of work.
I will not lie to you and tell you anything is easy, fast or guaranteed. Any program, no matter who says what, is going to take time and work.
So, when is
best time to start trying to make Money in an online Home Business, or any start it yourself business, for that matter?
When you already have a job and money coming in every month. When
bills at home are getting paid and there might be just a little extra to try something new.