How to Make Sure You Get Your Mail:Increasingly, ISPs are using filtering systems to try and keep Spam out of customers' inboxes. Sometimes, they accidentally filter
e-mail that you want to receive.
To make sure that our e-zines, e-mail courses and support e-mails are not filtered into your "junk" or "bulk" folder, please add our address to your list of trusted senders.
Here's how:
Hotmail: Place our address in your safe list. The safe list can be accessed via
"Options" link next to
main menu tabs.
AOL: Place our address in your address book.
Yahoo! Mail: If one of our messages is filtered to your 'bulk' folder, open
message and click on
"this is not Spam" link next to
"From" field.
Other providers: If one of your newsletters is being filtered, try adding our address 'From' or 'Reply-to' address to your address book or contact list. If this option is not available, try moving
message to your 'inbox' or forwarding
message to yourself.