How To Accept Credit Cards Online

Written by Jim Edwards

Anyone with an online business, whether for auctions, services, or virtually any type of product, has askedrepparttar same question at some time during their quest to createrepparttar 118805 ultimate online business - "How do I accept credit cards?"

Since over 90% of all transactions onrepparttar 118806 Internet involve customers paying by credit card, accepting plastic money rates a must for almost any business.

The problem for most small online business owners involvesrepparttar 118807 high cost of setting up and maintaining a credit card merchant account.

With startup fees ranging from $200 to $500, minimum monthly fees of at least $40 to $50, plus per transaction fees and a percentage of sales, most people who want to supplement their income online or test an idea can't risk that kind of money.

Add in credit checks, 48-month service contracts, expensive equipment purchases or leasing, financial statements, and last 3 years' tax returns and most people throw up their hands and give up before they even get started.

Fortunately several companies responded to this problem with unique solutions that enable smaller online merchants to accept credit cards at a fraction of those high startup costs with no long-term commitment, no equipment purchases, and zero minimum monthly fees.

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PayPal has gotten some negative press overrepparttar 118808 last couple of years, but that press has been mostly undeserved.

PayPal makes it easy for you to collect money for your online sales, send money to merchants, bill people monthly, collect dues and donations and integrate a free shopping cart into your site.

Free Popularity Metrics: The Real Deal in Web Site Assesment

Written by Pete Prestipino

With millions of domains in existence and more added every day, it is becoming increasingly difficult to tellrepparttar established business fromrepparttar 118804 start up. This is why using popularity metric services can come in handy. Use of this information can provide a wealth of data about your online promotions and overall popularity (when understood contextually). Keep in Mind: The Proof is inrepparttar 118805 Sample The quality of information offered in metrics depends greatly onrepparttar 118806 sample. The larger and more diverserepparttar 118807 sample,repparttar 118808 more representativerepparttar 118809 data.

What You're Looking for with Popularity Metrics Services Whilerepparttar 118810 information provided by these services should never be used a means to determine your overall success,repparttar 118811 information that many provide can be extremely useful inrepparttar 118812 overall marketing and business development of your online business and its web site.

Benchmarking: A great way to use metric services is to gauge where you rank online against your competitors. Knowing that a related company has more links, traffic or page views than your site will prove invaluable. By knowing more about your competitors than they do about you, you'll be better positioned to top your business category inrepparttar 118813 long run.

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