How These 3 Basic Elements Can Be Used To Boost Your Own Muscle Gains!

Written by Trent Brook

The foolish idea that ‘more is better’ when it comes to bodybuilding goes directly againstrepparttar basics of exercise science. When is comes to increasing your rate of muscle gains, more exercise is almost never what is needed. As I have mentioned already, once you have “stimulated” muscle gains by hittingrepparttar 144051 gym hard, any additional amount of exercise, will in fact, prevent any muscle gains from happening.

You see, muscles are made up of ‘muscle fibers’. Muscles themselves work by contracting and reducing their length. In order for muscles to contract, they must move. For a muscle to produce movement, and thereforerepparttar 144052 power to move a given weight, it must do so by lengthening and contracting.

In other words, a muscle performs exercise by contracting, and by doing this it generates force and power. While a muscle uses some of it’s fibers to perform a given exercise, it almost never uses all of them atrepparttar 144053 same time.

For a muscle to contract every one of its available fibers atrepparttar 144054 same time, it must be in a totally contracted position. To increase your muscle mass inrepparttar 144055 shortest time possible,repparttar 144056 maximum number of muscle fibers possible must be “stimulated”. The easiest way to achieve this is through multiple repetitions of a particular exercise. More often than not it is impossible to contract all ofrepparttar 144057 muscle fibers in a specific part ofrepparttar 144058 body, using only one repetition, without risking injury. Multiple repetitions however, allow it to be done safely.

As a general rule, it’s almost impossible to perform an exercise in a way that contracts all ofrepparttar 144059 muscle fibers ofrepparttar 144060 body parts involved. However, ifrepparttar 144061 exercise is performed with intensity, many more muscle fibers will be stimulated, than there would have been otherwise.

As an example, when you perform a basic exercise likerepparttar 144062 barbell curl (standing upright with a barbell and curling your arms from resting against your thighs up towards your chest), you are usingrepparttar 144063 fibers ofrepparttar 144064 biceps muscle ofrepparttar 144065 upper arm. Atrepparttar 144066 beginning ofrepparttar 144067 exercise, when performingrepparttar 144068 first repetition of a set of ten, your biceps muscles are at their strongest and most rested.

However, duringrepparttar 144069 first repetition you can only involve a minimal number ofrepparttar 144070 muscle fibers available. Most ofrepparttar 144071 fibers are unable to contract unless in a totally contracted position. The bicep itself will only userepparttar 144072 minimal number of fibers needed to perform that one repetition. Muscle fibers will only perform at full capacity, and are only “recruited” by a specific body part as they are needed.

By increasing your speed of movement you can dramatically increaserepparttar 144073 number of muscle fibers involved. However, in many cases this is extremely dangerous, leading torepparttar 144074 muscle tearing loose from its attachment. Not fun or desirable. As well asrepparttar 144075 risk of severe injury, increasingrepparttar 144076 speed of movement will often involve extra momentum. By using overall body motion to “cheat”,repparttar 144077 intensity shifts away fromrepparttar 144078 muscles and body parts you are trying to stimulate.

So keep this in mind. Inrepparttar 144079 case ofrepparttar 144080 barbell curl example,repparttar 144081 first repetition should be performed in perfect form, but at a pace that is considerably slower than is actually possible. A pace that will allow you to perform each repetition as fast as possible without risking injury.

An Amazing Technique That Can Make Your Gains Skyrocket While Others Have Reached A Sticking Point!

Written by Trent Brook

If you clearly understand and applyrepparttar principles involved in natural bodybuilding, you will experience very rapid muscle gains. However, over a long term, eventually a ‘sticking point’ or plateau in your training may be reached. It is at this point in training that further muscle gains can sometimes appear almost impossible. Sticking points are almost always a direct result of overtraining. More often than not, this plateau can be overcome with a brief layoff.

The reasons for such a “plateau” in muscle gains can vary. Applying some of these simple strategies below should quickly produce further muscle gains. Most guys mistakenly assume, when reaching a plateau, that their maximum muscular potential has been reached. That is simply notrepparttar 144050 case. Your true potential is incredibly high. Very few guys come close to even “scratching” their limits.

Now. Taking a brief layoff, isrepparttar 144051 first recommendation when experiencing a sticking point in your training. After returning to regular training, if you are still unable to increase your muscle size, two further strategies can be applied to produce bigger and better gains.

Increasingrepparttar 144052 current resistance onrepparttar 144053 exercise you are stuck on can stimulate extra muscle growth. This increase should not exceed more than twenty percent. For example, if you are using 100 pounds in a barbell curl for ten repetitions,repparttar 144054 weight should be increased to 120 pounds. Adjustingrepparttar 144055 weight like this, will more than likely reduce your performance ability to three or four repetitions. However, if you perform all sets with maximum intensity of effort,repparttar 144056 number of repetitions you are able to perform will quickly increase to ten or more.

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