How The Republicans Stole The 2004 US Election

Written by T.D. Roberts

When I first learned that George W. Bush wonrepparttar 2004 Presidential election, I was shocked. "How could that be?" I thought. This man is a criminal. How could America have done such a horrific thing? Keep this monster as President? He is a man who has caused an estimated 100 000 deaths in Iraq.

After November 2nd, bits and pieces ofrepparttar 125916 truth started surfacing. As intellectuals started investigating and uncoveringrepparttar 125917 evidence, it became clear that George W. and his regime committedrepparttar 125918 most heinous crime in American History, stealingrepparttar 125919 2004 Presidential election. In one night, they killed democracy inrepparttar 125920 United States of America.

Now,repparttar 125921 world must continue to deal with a right wing fundamentalist regime that is in control ofrepparttar 125922 most powerful and deadly military inrepparttar 125923 world.

The following is a very brief summary highlightingrepparttar 125924 evidence that has been accumulated proving that John kerry never had a chance of becoming President. The Republicans fixedrepparttar 125925 election so that George W. Bush would win.

The brief facts I have listed have been taken from many important research sites run by people dedicated to uncoveringrepparttar 125926 truth. Followingrepparttar 125927 summary, I have listed sites where I obtainedrepparttar 125928 evidence. Please go to these sites, read what has been uncovered and visitrepparttar 125929 important links to other research sites.

The world needs to know that George W. Bush never receivedrepparttar 125930 majority of electoral votes in 2000 and 2004 to be President. George W. and his crew are dangerous idealogs and complete frauds.

* "Electronic Voting Machines:

A bill was introduced inrepparttar 125931 House and Senate to outlaw these machines and require a paper printout, butrepparttar 125932 bill was stalled byrepparttar 125933 Republican Party, led by House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, and it was not allowed to come to a vote.

Shortly afterrepparttar 125934 November 2nd election, countless stories of problems withrepparttar 125935 machines began to surface.

Many people tried to vote for Kerry and said that whenrepparttar 125936 final confirmation screen came up, it said they voted for Bush.

Electronic Voting Machines were manufactured mainly byrepparttar 125937 two companies ESS and Diebold, supporters ofrepparttar 125938 Republican Party. It isrepparttar 125939 electronic machines that are easy to manipulate and easy to hack. Republican Walden O'Dell isrepparttar 125940 owner of Diebold and Republican Chuck Hagel isrepparttar 125941 owner of ESS. Both were openly committed to helping deliver electoral votes torepparttar 125942 President.

Inrepparttar 125943 states that had verifiable paper trails for their ballots,repparttar 125944 exit polls were virtuallyrepparttar 125945 same asrepparttar 125946 real results. However, inrepparttar 125947 battleground states where electronic voting machines and/or electronic tabulators were used,repparttar 125948 exit polls were mysteriously very different fromrepparttar 125949 final reported totals.

A U of PA professor stated that it is "impossible" thatrepparttar 125950 exit poll results could be as far off as they are.

Unusual results inrepparttar 125951 areas where computers were used: In Baker County, Florida, there are 12,887 registered voters, 69.3% of them Democrats and 24.3% of them Republicans. The vote was only 2,180 for Kerry and 7,738 for Bush. In a Democratic stronghold, 5 out of every 7 Democrats voted for Bush???

Bush Administration Set to Change Environmental Laws

Written by Gary R. Hess

The Bush Administration has announced that withinrepparttar next few months a rewrite ofrepparttar 125915 three decade old document protecting environmental areas against gas and oil drilling will be changed while reshapingrepparttar 125916 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

When asked about whetherrepparttar 125917 American people would approve of such actionrepparttar 125918 Bush Administration stated that "The election was a validation ofrepparttar 125919 philosophy andrepparttar 125920 agenda." Ironically President Bush went out of his way to avoid any conversation aboutrepparttar 125921 environment during his campaign.

The new document reshapingrepparttar 125922 EPA holds a line givingrepparttar 125923 current membersrepparttar 125924 right to retire withinrepparttar 125925 next four years, giving President Bushrepparttar 125926 ability to fillrepparttar 125927 positions with other anti-environmentalists.

Mr. Bush's first plan is to openrepparttar 125928 Arctic Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling. The land is home to caribou, polar bears, musk oxen and millions of migratory birds. A vote held two years ago was turned down 52-48 inrepparttar 125929 Senate, but withrepparttar 125930 new Republican majorityrepparttar 125931 plan is likely to pass.

The next Republican action will be a call for a new energy bill asking for permission to explore in other environmentally fragile areas for oil and gas, followed byrepparttar 125932 reshaping ofrepparttar 125933 Clean Air Act. The Clean Air Act isrepparttar 125934 most successful environmental bill declining air pollution by 50% overrepparttar 125935 past thirty years.

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