How The “Product Life Cycle” Can Kill Your Online Business

Written by Richard Glanville

How The “Product Life Cycle” Can Kill Your Online Business © Richard Glanville

Have you noticed how many online marketers are telling you that you need your own product?

Have you heard any good reasons for that?

The one reason that I hear is that it will allow you to keep 100% ofrepparttar profits yourself.

Think about this. I don’t know about you but if a product is good andrepparttar 120903 profit high enough, I don’t really care whorepparttar 120904 creator of that product is. In fact, with master rights, I have a lot of exceptional products that I have not had to research myself and I keep allrepparttar 120905 profits anyway. I even have affiliates selling these products (and rights) for me.

There has to be another reason.

Well, there is a very good reason why you should be able to offer a “unique” product. The answer lies in a concept calledrepparttar 120906 “Product Life Cycle”. Once you understandrepparttar 120907 concept, you will understand why so many marketers are telling you to get your own product and to develop multiple residual income streams. Moreover, you will be able to separaterepparttar 120908 “chaff fromrepparttar 120909 wheat” and do those things that really need to be done.

Having your own product may not even feature onrepparttar 120910 list.

Every product goes through what is called a “product life cycle” that looks a little like this:

Introduction with high investment and minimal profit Period of growth with greatest profitability Period of maturity where sales rise but profitability weakens Market saturation where decline commences

Point 4. would also explain whyrepparttar 120911 creation of new products is necessary, wouldn’t it?

Actually, it wouldn’t.

As you read further into this article you will understand why new product creation may not be necessary.

Inrepparttar 120912 first phase ofrepparttar 120913 “Product Life Cycle” we have a product that has just been created. It needs to be marketed. As it is new, we expect to spend quite a bit on advertising before it gains acceptance and we make sales.

The least expensive, and arguablyrepparttar 120914 most effective, marketing that can be done is to have someone else pay forrepparttar 120915 advertising. This is how affiliate programs work.

Right now, you are about to learnrepparttar 120916 truth and power ofrepparttar 120917 “Early Bird Advantage”.

You must remember a couple of concepts here. The first being that in order to generaterepparttar 120918 maximum number of sales, a prospect needs to be exposed torepparttar 120919 sales message at least seven times. Secondly, we are dealing with a new product. No sales messages have been sent as such.

Okay, statistics show that if you want a good response on an offer, you need to get your message out torepparttar 120920 same prospect seven times. Do you agree?

You shouldn’t. The only people that this might hold true for are ezine editors. Unfortunately, far too many editors will promote an item once and then neglect to getrepparttar 120921 message in front of their subscribers again. All they’d need to do to explode their profits would be to send “reminders” out at least another six times.

Your prospect is going to seerepparttar 120922 message from more than one source. It could very well be that you happen to berepparttar 120923 seventh person presentingrepparttar 120924 opportunity to a prospect and he buys from you. Right place, right time. Happens allrepparttar 120925 time. If you happen to be one ofrepparttar 120926 first promoting a new opportunity, got in early and were prepared to stick around for a while. That isrepparttar 120927 power ofrepparttar 120928 “Early Bird Advantage”.

Profitable Target Marketing: 6 Lessons from Major League Baseball

Written by Bobette Kyle

Does your business struggle with profitable online marketing? If so, you are not alone. Attractingrepparttar right customers to a site and keeping them coming back - while also turning a profit - can be a challenge. Consequently, I'm always onrepparttar 120902 lookout for ways to demonstrate profitable online strategies.

Last night, as I watchedrepparttar 120903 Baseball All Star Home Run Derby and visited Major League Baseball's Web site, it struck me. The league is doing many things to effectively find and attract targeted Web customers, while simultaneously generating revenue.

In fact, I noticed numerous lessons from Major League Baseball you can consider to profitably target your own customers. Here are six of them:

Think Through Your Business Models

Free information and activities are present, but well thought out, revenue generating business models are also evident.

Lesson 1: Make your profit generators stand out. has a separate, prominent navigation menu for profit producing activities - MLB Shop, Tickets, Auctions, Subscriptions - which appears inrepparttar 120904 upper right on all pages, where potential paying customers cannot miss it.

Importantly, each corresponding area ofrepparttar 120905 site is narrowly focused onrepparttar 120906 visitors' interests. For example,repparttar 120907 shop sells baseball - and only baseball - items. This is readily apparent fromrepparttar 120908 slogan "For all things baseball".

Lesson 2: Sell subscriptions.

The league generates revenue from a variety of event subscriptions - live video broadcasts, live audio broadcasts, archived clips, and fantasy games. This also help openrepparttar 120909 door for repeat purchases and add-ons.

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