How Should We Pray?

Written by Caleb Osborne


"How Should We Pray?"

- by Caleb Osborne

© Caleb Osborne - All Rights reserved -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Many Christians often wonder, "How should we pray?" I'm going to touch on this subject of prayer a few more times inrepparttar upcoming weeks, so today we'll deal with asking for forgiveness in prayer.

This question of prayer isn't a new one but is in fact one thatrepparttar 126521 disciples asked Jesus while he was still roamingrepparttar 126522 earth. Jesus responded by giving them an example inrepparttar 126523 form ofrepparttar 126524 "Lord's prayer".

Many people misconstruerepparttar 126525 Lord's prayer asrepparttar 126526 "sacred" way that we ought to pray. But this is simply not true.

You have to pay attention to a few key points inrepparttar 126527 Bible. If you've read "Christ Through Me" Then you know that you are no longer underrepparttar 126528 law ofrepparttar 126529 old covenant, but you are underrepparttar 126530 new covenant law--forgiven by grace.

But what you must also keep in mind is thatrepparttar 126531 New Covenant,repparttar 126532 complete forgiveness of our sins--past, present and future was not put into effect untilrepparttar 126533 ultimate sacrifice forrepparttar 126534 sins was made. Which came inrepparttar 126535 form of God's sinless son, Jesus Christ.

So when Jesus toldrepparttar 126536 disciples inrepparttar 126537 lord's prayer to pray "and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us" they were praying that way because they were still underrepparttar 126538 old covenant or law. This law required that they seek forgiveness whenever they sinned.

As soon as Jesus Christ died and borerepparttar 126539 punishment for all of our sins, it wasrepparttar 126540 the ultimate sacrifice. When you and I accepted Christ as our savior, we acceptedrepparttar 126541 sacrifice that Jesus made on that cross and were completely forgiven. All sins were wiped away, even future ones (heck, they were all future back then right?)

So because we are now underrepparttar 126542 new covenant and haverepparttar 126543 life of Christ in us, and holy because of this. We no longer have to ask forgiveness in prayer.

So I encourage you when you pray today, if you find yourself saying, "Father, I ask that you forgive me of my sins..." catch yourself and just show your gratitude instead forrepparttar 126544 completed work of Christ atrepparttar 126545 cross that paid for your sins and allowed you forgiveness once and for all. I say it something like this, "father, thank you so much that I am totally forgiven because your son tookrepparttar 126546 penalty for my sins..."

Instead of acting like a sinner. Go on in complete faith that you are already forgiven, think "attitude of Gratitude"!

Consider nowrepparttar 126547 first part ofrepparttar 126548 Lord's prayer. Here is how it is often said:

"Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name"

The key thing that I want to hit on in this email is thatrepparttar 126549 first thing that Jesus does is address his heavenly father as father and then start praising him.

Our God truly is wonderful and worthy of praise, give himrepparttar 126550 praise that he deserves. Tell him how wonderful he is, thank him for what he has done in your life, relive those positive things that he has done for you and tell him how much you appreciate his gift of salvation.

Wearing Masks

Written by Laurel A. Aiyana

Early in childhood, I learned to where masks to hide who I my true self. Fear of rejection from my parents, particularly my mother paralyzed me, so I stayed in my room as much as possible, and talked little. When I did speak up, I would never say anything contrary to any authority figure for fear of punishment, denial of love, or rejection. To have my true self rejected,repparttar ultimate punishment, led to wearing masks. At least, ifrepparttar 126520 personality underrepparttar 126521 mask seemed out of step, I could consider myself redeemed byrepparttar 126522 knowledge that it wasn’t my true self. My mother ranted and raved at me to share my thoughts. If these thoughts misaligned with her thinking, she cried and piled onrepparttar 126523 guilt. Once I decided I would be happier living with my father, and I mistakenly voiced this opinion. After screaming that I would never be allowed to live with him, my mother cried for three days. Scenes such as this, reinforcedrepparttar 126524 necessary creation ofrepparttar 126525 false face, which I carried into adulthood.

After years of visits torepparttar 126526 psychologist couch, I finally got some pastoral counseling which made me aware of lack of self-worth issues that had developed fromrepparttar 126527 false face. I decided to work at finding out whorepparttar 126528 real person behindrepparttar 126529 mask truly was, as I had no idea at this point, having consideredrepparttar 126530 mask reality for so long. For my string of relationships I’d turn intorepparttar 126531 person they wanted me to be, as I had done so long before for my mother. My second husband liked to go torepparttar 126532 track, so I pretended to like to go torepparttar 126533 horse track with him, and go to allrepparttar 126534 5K races he’d run in. At first, I enjoyedrepparttar 126535 fact that I had won his heart, but after time, I realized most of my life consisted of doing things I didn’t enjoy, and I stopped cold turkey attending these events, especially afterrepparttar 126536 ex had gambled away $30,000. He starred into space wondering what happened torepparttar 126537 person he thought he’d married. I had revealed my true fact, although it wasn’trepparttar 126538 one he had married, andrepparttar 126539 marriage, for all intensive purposes ended that day even prior torepparttar 126540 gavel ofrepparttar 126541 judge declaring it so.

After my divorce, I decided to spend some time without husbands or any significant other in my life, to heal and discover whorepparttar 126542 person inrepparttar 126543 mirror each morning truly represented. I thought I had myself figured out, when three years later, I decided to date. I had waited long enough, and wanted a relationship. At this time, I had retired at a young age on permanent disability with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Concerned this detracted from my value; I dressed myself like a Barbie doll, and downplayedrepparttar 126544 illness. Before I realizedrepparttar 126545 path chosen, I pretended to like actually participating in sports, which, I absolutely hated, and as this new person gave me a list of what they considered fun, I acted like this would be things I’d like to do with him.

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