How Search Engines Connect Sellers and Buyers

Written by David Leonhardt

Maggie knows how to find what she wants. She lets her fingers dorepparttar walking – not inrepparttar 124895 Yellow Pages, but at She wants to learn about bread baking, and you have just written Bread Baking Made Simple, and you sell some great baking tools. The good news isrepparttar 124896 Google and other search engines exist for one simple reason: to help Maggie find your website.

Google will show Maggie 534,000 resources on "bread baking". Unless she fails to find what she wants onrepparttar 124897 first page, or top 10 results, she will never find your website listed 124th inrepparttar 124898 results. (Actually, if she does not find what she wants inrepparttar 124899 top twenty or thirty results, she is likely to refine her search to "easy bread baking" or "home bread baking").

How do you get intorepparttar 124900 top 10 results so Maggie can find your website? You might have heard a lot about "search engine optimization" and "ranking analysis" and "algorithms". It all sounds very complex, but it really works on a simple 1 – 2 – 3 principle.

1.A search engine will show Maggie only resources (websites) it has on record. So make sure to submit your site torepparttar 124901 key search engines and directories. You do not need to hire somebody who will charge you big dollars to do this. Nor should you fall for any ofrepparttar 124902 auto-submit software or services. This should be done by hand, and anybody can do it. You can do it yourself.

2.The search engine will rank highest those websites it feels are most "important". This means you have to show that your website is most important. There are a few simple things you can do. First, make sure you have content. Text content equals importance onrepparttar 124903 Internet. Links, both coming in and going out, are key. Connectivity equals importance onrepparttar 124904 Internet. Get listed inrepparttar 124905 major directories (,,,, etc.), as this also is a measure of importance.

3.The search engine will show Maggierepparttar 124906 most "relevant" high-ranking resources. Google might rank relatively very high, but it is totally irrelevant to a search for bread baking. How does a search engine know which websites are most relevant for Maggie's search? Byrepparttar 124907 number of times "bread baking" shows up in text on your web page. Byrepparttar 124908 variety of ways it shows up on your page. By number web pages you link to and that link to you withrepparttar 124909 words "bread baking" included.

9 tips to boost your ezine's profits.

Written by Chris Varsamis

There are many ezines out there having a large number of subscribers but they don’t make a sale. The ezine owners wonder why this happens. Unfortunately for them there are specific reasons for this failure .Here is a small list.

1) Content is king

That’s true. You have to provide unique content to distinguish your publication amongrepparttar others. Your readers in order to click your links they have to read your resources first. If they don’t they will leave.

2) Do not recycle.

This isrepparttar 124894 easy way for most ezine publishers but leads to nowhere. Usingrepparttar 124895 same articles you can find to hundreds of other ezines is not repparttar 124896 key to success. You have to write your own. You must use your personality onrepparttar 124897 publication. Don’t forget that each person in this world is unique. So are you. You have to use yourself, your character to stand out ofrepparttar 124898 crowd.

3) Patience

Do not expect to start an ezine and have profits in 15 days. It won’t happen. You have to gain your reader’s trust. This does not happen in a month. You have to be patient .You must give it a try from 6 to 12 months and see where it’s going.

4) Recommend NOT sell.

That’s one ofrepparttar 124899 biggest mistakes ezine publishers do. They focus on selling but not on content and they don’t recommend. You have to recommend resources you tested by yourself and guarantee for them. If you recommend something that is a scam your credibility is going to vanish. And then your ezine’s profit potential too.

5) Ask your readers what they want.

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