How Part-Time Work (Moonlighting) Can Save You Money

Written by Jona E. Kessans

Moonlighting or working part-time has long been an option for many full-time workers seeking a little more income. However, what has long been overlooked arerepparttar fringe benefits or dividends that working part-time provides. Working this way reduces spending and is more than worthwhile forrepparttar 128786 minimum numbers of hours required.

The national retail store I work at requires employees to work a minimum of six hours per month to receive both low cost health insurance (around $20 per week) and a very generous discount good on all regular, sale, and clearance priced merchandise. For me health insurance is extremely important because I have been self-employed forrepparttar 128787 past eight years and was paying a whopping $400.00 per month for basicallyrepparttar 128788 same insurance coverage. Working an average of just a few hours per week has provided huge returns. I’ve saved hundreds of dollars per month on health insurance and paid much less for brand-new brand-name clothing, home goods, and gifts than I would have otherwise.

For example, when my 10-year old microwave went kaplooie I picked up a new one at my store for $15.00 (retail price $69). Other items I recently purchased include a toaster oven $7.00 (retail $49), new underwear $.85 per pair (retail $13 per pair), Reebok sneakers $12 (retail $75), a flat wall-mount mini remote stereo system $18 (retail $150), a bathrobe (for my dad’s birthday $12 (retail $70), and many more items. This is just a few examples of items that I needed and have saved a great deal of money on just by working a few hours per week.

A friend of mine works for a large nationwide video rental store. By working a minimum of four hours per week he receives five free video rentals per week along with discounts on games and other goods sold byrepparttar 128789 store. Movie rentals on average cost around $4 so he is able to save $20 per week on rentals. Most importantly, though he also receives low cost health insurance for himself, his wife, and child, something he does not have at his full-time job. Another friend works part-time at her favorite restaurant (a chain restaurant) and as per company policy receives a free meal prior to beginning her shift. These are just a few ofrepparttar 128790 many fringe benefits available to part-time moonlighters.

The Key to Makingrepparttar 128791 Most of Part-Time Work Benefits

To makerepparttar 128792 most of a part-time job opportunity it is essential to ask yourself two questions.

1.What is most important to you in terms of what adds value to your life or what needs you have.

For me this meant finding a way to eliminaterepparttar 128793 high premiums of health insurance. Another important and essential requirement for me was to reduce costs associated with buying gifts for others, and needed goods for my home and myself. Moonlighting has added a great deal to my life in terms of meeting my needs and reducing my overall expenses.

What are You Thinking in Your Heart?

Written by Daniel N.Brown

What is going on in your mind? Are you thinking thoughts of peace, prosperity, and happiness? Or, are you thinking thoughts of doom and gloom?

A person can tell what goes on inrepparttar mind of someone else byrepparttar 128784 very way they walk,repparttar 128785 way they talk,repparttar 128786 way they carry themselves, and their manner of dress. Everything about them reflects their way of thinking.

A slovenly carriage is an indication of slovenly thinking, whereas an alert, upright carriage isrepparttar 128787 outward sign of inward strength and confidence. What a person exhibits outwardly, they are inwardly because a person isrepparttar 128788 product of their own thoughts. “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” (Proverbs 23:7)

This “thinking” referred to in Proverbs 23:7 is not a conscious thinking as most people believe. That would berepparttar 128789 “thinking” in repparttar 128790 mind. It isrepparttar 128791 thinking that takes place inrepparttar 128792 heart. Your heart isrepparttar 128793 center of your being. It isrepparttar 128794 subconscious mind.

Where is your faith? Is it aimed at garbage? You might say, “Well I don’t want garbage in my life!” You right! Consciously, you don’t. But, behind your conscience mind is your subconscious mind that functions according to your true beliefs.

Your true beliefs are a sum total of all of your accumulated experiences overrepparttar 128795 course of your life. They create your expectations for future experiences, and your expectations are equivalent to your faith. Jesus said in Matthew 9:29, “According to your faith, let it be done unto you.”

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