How One Simple Concept Can Increase Your Sales

Written by Al Martinovic

We all want to belong. As humans we feelrepparttar need to fit in somewhere, anywhere. I call itrepparttar 108897 "herd mentality"... we tend to follow what everyone else is doing.

Well, Bob and Bill acrossrepparttar 108898 street each have satellite dishes... that means I have to get one too.

Everyone is driving around in a SUV... that means I have to drive one too.

Everyone is wearing baggy pants... that means I have to wear them too.

Everyone is carrying around a cell phone... that means I have to carry one around too.

My friends are drinking Smirnoff Ice... that means I have to drink it too.

Can anybody say mooooo?

The herd mentality is an interesting phenomena that YOU as an internet marketer can take advantage of.

You need to convey to your potential customers that everyone else is buying your product and they would be missing out if they didn't dorepparttar 108899 same.

How you may ask?

Well, one way is by using testimonials on your website. Lots of them! Most people will gladly give you a testimonial. All you have to do is ask.

Testimonials establish trust and credibility too, which byrepparttar 108900 way, arerepparttar 108901 two biggest things you need to close out a sale online.

Promote your website using Newsgroups

Written by Nowshade Kabir

At present there are over 3.3 billion pages indexed by Google, and that definitely does not coverrepparttar entire Internet. With so many competitors around, you sure have to use every conceivable method available to promote your website.

Newsgroups can be very powerful tools in your web promotion endeavor if you use them actively. What is a Newsgroup?

A newsgroup is a message board onrepparttar 108896 Internet where users come to discuss topics of mutual interest. Each newsgroup is dedicated to a particular subject of interest and consists of messages posted by participants. You can find several ongoing discussions surrounding various topics within a single newsgroup. These topics are call threads. As a user you can start a thread, post messages to a thread and make responds to other postings.

Beforerepparttar 108897 Internet era,repparttar 108898 way you know it now, back in eighties and early nineties people used to connect to electronic bulletin boards (bbs) through modems and post text messages for others to read and answer. Usenet Newsgroups was started as a collection of these bulletin boards. Along withrepparttar 108899 Internet, Newsgroups have also started to grow rapidly. Thanks torepparttar 108900 Interface introduced by Deja News in 1995 use of Newsgroups became simple and convenient, which also gave enough impetus to this growth.

Today, Usenet discussion forums or Newsgroups indexed by Google comprise over 800 million messages, which is around a terabyte of information! It is calculated that over 10 million people have regular access to Newsgroups!

Each newsgroup is formed with a certain purpose. This is described in its charter atrepparttar 108901 time it is started. Normally every Newsgroup has its own single subject. However there could be many Newsgroups dedicated to one subject.

There are tens of thousands of newsgroups on every subject you can possibly imagine. The subjects in Newsgroups are hierarchically structured. Some of them are moderated, means somebody controlsrepparttar 108902 postings, most don’t.

How to use Newsgroups?

Since there are so many newsgroups, whatever your interest is you will most likely find a newsgroup which will suit you. Although, most email readers have built-in features to subscribe Newsgroupsrepparttar 108903 most convenient way to read newsgroups today is to use “Google Search”. Once you are onrepparttar 108904 search page ofrepparttar 108905 Google, Click onrepparttar 108906 Groups fromrepparttar 108907 menu. This will take you to Groups search page with a directory of Newsgroups underrepparttar 108908 headline ‘Post and read comments in Usenet discussion forums’. The most common subdirectories for businesses are located in alt, biz and misc. For example: If you are in import and export business you might try imort-export, which has several groups within it.

Run a search using a keyword related to your online business that you would like to promote fromrepparttar 108909 groups search page of Google. The result will appear chronologically,repparttar 108910 most recent one being atrepparttar 108911 top. Check outrepparttar 108912 most relevant Newsgroups fromrepparttar 108913 results. If your search produces a very big list of results, tryrepparttar 108914 advanced search option. Try reducingrepparttar 108915 time frame of postings. By default Google searches within all messages posted from 1981.

For really worthwhile information I’ll suggest to use moderated groups. Most Newsgroups which are not moderated easily fill up with spam and you really have to wade through them to find something interesting.

Did you notice that Google has a new paid service underrepparttar 108916 name “Google Answers”? For a fee Google nominated researchers will get answers to your hard to find questions. The service is located at If you go throughrepparttar 108917 questions that are already asked, you will be amazed to see that by searching newsgroups you will find answers to many of them without paying a dime. Newsgroups are indeed a gold mine of information!

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