How Not to Review a Book

Written by Arthur Zulu

Dear Mr. Ilesanmi:

Dismayed. Disappointed. That was exactly how I felt after reading your review of Mr. Mike Uzor’s book, How to Buy and Sell Shares in Nigeria, published in Financial Standard of December 20, 2004. I should have said that I was dismayed, but not disappointed. Because that was my first time of reading your “review.” For I do not know if you used to write masterpieces. Perhaps, you wroterepparttar said “review” on your “bad” day.

In one of my published books, How to Write a Best-seller, I wrote thatrepparttar 128514 author that would write an error free manuscript has not been born. That includes myself.

Great writers like Miguel Cervantes who wrote Don Quixote and James Joycerepparttar 128515 author of Ulysses made mistakes. Bill Clinton’s book, My Life, is said to be short on editing. And Tom Clancy himself pays an editor $2.50 per word to proof read his works.

So, writers are susceptible to slips, errors. In that review, however, you not only betrayed a shocking ignorance ofrepparttar 128516 rules of English grammar but also an abysmal incompetence about how to review a book. The review reads part biographical and part lazy student’s book summary.

You don’t start a book review by devoting five long opening paragraphs in a twenty paragraph work to announcerepparttar 128517 degrees and honors garnered byrepparttar 128518 author. That is notrepparttar 128519 first thingrepparttar 128520 reader wants to know. In fact, that blaze of glory biography; that “I hail thee” guitar in hand introduction, passes you off as a paid praise singer, not a book reviewer. Not that I detest paying book reviewers to do reviews. But there must be “a method torepparttar 128521 madness” according torepparttar 128522 bard, William Shakespeare.

If your method is to first give your readers a long list ofrepparttar 128523 author’s degrees and awards, I think that you will be at a loss if you were to review literary greats like Charles Dickens, William Makepeace Thackeray, Jane Austen, Emily Bronte, and many others. Because they had no degrees.

One could see how you were desperately reaching your hand into your vocabulary bag to qualifyrepparttar 128524 out of this world author who “bagged his first degree”; was “founding business editor”; reported for “both local and foreign publications”; is “concretely grounded in management consulting”; has “become a renowned financial analyst / investment adviser”; is “a regular commentator on macro-economic policy matters”; and now “managing director / chief executive.” Thank heavens! I thought it wouldn’t end. Evenrepparttar 128525 Nobel Prize winners didn’t get that citation. Ask your brother, Professor Wole Soyinka.

A prose work should be lively, jazzy. But when I finished readingrepparttar 128526 excellent biography, and went intorepparttar 128527 “review,” I was confronted in every paragraph byrepparttar 128528 following sins of literature: repetition (the word sub-concept was mentioned seven times); redundancies ( “According to this author on how to become a shareholder, you can either become a shareholder . . .”); ineffective sentences (“On a how to beat inflation, this author didactically illuminates that with inflation rate rising and interest rate falling under heavy government pressure on banks as we have seen overrepparttar 128529 past few years, if you are earning less than inflation rate on your money, then you runrepparttar 128530 risk thatrepparttar 128531 real value of your savings is being washed off by rising consumer prices”); disjointed paragraphs ( one long sentence per paragraph asrepparttar 128532 one above); meaningless words (“didactically illuminates”); quoting a bad sentence (“For many people who are quite interested in share INVESTTING”); circumlocution (“ In addition to these 15 basic chapters, there is another section, a textual appendage of sort.”)

I was ashamed reading through those sentences. Inrepparttar 128533 name ofrepparttar 128534 muses, what do these mean? “The sub-concepts of what a share is”; “the sub-concepts of what you should know”; “this author nationally x-raysrepparttar 128535 sub-concepts ofrepparttar 128536 possibility of risk in share-making”; “this financial analyst examinesrepparttar 128537 sub-concepts ofrepparttar 128538 basic nature of unit trusts”; “the concepts of what to consider”; “the sub-concepts of starting to invest”; “the simplicity of conceptual presentation.” You actually have a romantic attachment for that word, sub-concept.

Then towardrepparttar 128539 end ofrepparttar 128540 “review,” you played smart by trying to correct a few grammatical errors inrepparttar 128541 book. Like telling us that presently (American) should have been currently or at present (British). That was good editing—straight fromrepparttar 128542 6th edition Oxford dictionary (page 919 box).

From Book Notes to Book Reports

Written by Nick Smith

Writing papers and book reports has long beenrepparttar bane of high school and college students’ existence. It seems that no matter how hard you work to stay caught up, there is always a paper due tomorrow. Using book notes to help getrepparttar 128513 ideas flowing can save you time, heartache, andrepparttar 128514 stress of getting a bad grade.

There are many styles and formats available now, but a book note typically includes a summary of a literary work, commentary onrepparttar 128515 subject matter and deeper meaning ofrepparttar 128516 passages, and biographical information aboutrepparttar 128517 author. The best book notes are written by qualified people (i.e. a college degree in literature, or inrepparttar 128518 academic arearepparttar 128519 book note is covering). Most importantly,repparttar 128520 book note you choose should be easy for you to use – after all, ifrepparttar 128521 information is just as difficult to find inrepparttar 128522 book note as it is inrepparttar 128523 book, what’srepparttar 128524 point?

When to use Book Notes

Book notes can help you out with more than just book reports. They provide valuable information you can use to write a paper about an author, philosopher, society, or culture. Let’s say you had to write a paper about nineteenth century Russian culture. You gather together a lot of information about what was going on politically, what kind of figures were popular, whatrepparttar 128525 economy was like, etc. Imaginerepparttar 128526 authenticity you could add to your essay by including even a small part about Leo Tolstoy, a prominent Russian author fromrepparttar 128527 nineteenth century.

Providing information connected to a specific person makesrepparttar 128528 essay much more enjoyable to read, and showcases your ability to provide breadth and depth of research. Naturally, it is not necessary for you to read all of Tolstoy’s works to know enough about him to include a piece in your essay. Book notes on one of his masterpieces will usually contain enough information for you to apply what you learn to your more general topic.

How to use a Book Note

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