How Not To Market

Written by John Colanzi

I really don't get it.

Why do so many marketers shoot themselves inrepparttar foot?

It takes time to build an online presence.

Why do so many marketers go out of their way to lose business and credibility?

They do everything they can to destroy any chance of doing business with future customers. In many cases they not only lose a future customer, they destroy their reputation.

Some ways not to market.

1. Subscribe to an ezine and every timerepparttar 121506 publisher sends out their newsletter, play email tag and hit them with an ad.

Do you think you'll make a sale?

I doubt it.

2. Use forged headers in you email.

What are you hiding?

If you don't want me to know who you are, why inrepparttar 121507 world would I trust you with my money?

3. Send me an email saying, "You're receiving this message because we are both members ofrepparttar 121508 same opt in list."

Since I don't belong to any safe lists, you've started your sales letter with a lie.

I'm sure you'll get my business. I love sending money to people who lie to me.

The Most Rewarding Aspect of Internet Marketing

Written by Dennis Eppestine

As those of you who've been receiving my ezine for awhile know, I LOVE Internet Marketing!

In fact, I love everything about it, and find all aspects of it very rewarding. But something happened to me recently that I have to say has beenrepparttar most rewarding so far.

I received an email from someone who told me how they admired my site andrepparttar 121505 navigation and realized how much work went into it. Then,repparttar 121506 very same day, I received an email from someone with a question.

Wow! This made me feel so good! Not only was my hard work appreciated, but I was able to help someone. I just can't tell you how GREAT this made me feel!

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