How My Friend’s Poor Hygiene Exploded My Sales

Written by Jason Tarasi

My friend had not had a bath in over three days, there where pizza boxes littered across his apartment, and a funky odor filledrepparttar room.

As I walked into his apartment, I quickly became disorientated and started to feel myself losing consciousness. I felt my eyes starting to roll back into my head, and staggered torepparttar 142426 window to get a breath of fresh air.

"John," I mumbled to my usually hygienic friend, "what happened to you?"

He then gave me a wry smile and his eyes became as large as Bill Gate's bank account.

My friend led me over torepparttar 142427 TV where he had on “The Home Shopping Network.”

John needed to take some time off work to relax, but within three short days, had become a 'Home Shopping' junkie.

My normal, levelheaded friend had become hypnotized by one of marketing's most powerful techniques: Time sensitive offers.

If he didn't order "Peppirepparttar 142428 singing fish" withinrepparttar 142429 next 15 minutes,repparttar 142430 offer would be gone forever.

The Yoda phone that exclaimed, "Mayrepparttar 142431 force be with you" when it rang would disappear into a galaxy far far away if he didn't act now. They only had 100 left in stock.

As I sat there watching my zombified friend order useless items he would never use, I decided I would apply this same technique to my own business.

I care deeply about all of my customers, so I wanted to make sure of two things:

- My offers would only be for useful products and services.

- The offers had to truly be time sensitive.

The results where astounding.

The first time sensitive offer I brought to my customers almost tripled my sales. I was immediately hooked.

The Art Of Self Promotion

Written by Dan Brown

People will feel more comfortable purchasing your products if you give them a little information about yourself or business. The information could be your profile, employee profiles, overall business history, education credentials, awards you've won, etc. Below are ten ways you can use to promote yourself.

1. Teach a free chat room class on a subject related to your business. You could install a chat room on your web site or use a free one from another web site. Beforerepparttar class starts tell them a little about yourself.

2. Publish a free e-zine. Use some ofrepparttar 142425 extra space in your e-zine to write about yourself or business. This could be called "A Note Fromrepparttar 142426 Editor".

3. Publish a section on your web site called "About Us". With your information you could also include pictures. This shows people your not hiding behind your business.

4. Write an article on your area of expertise. Include a resource box atrepparttar 142427 end ofrepparttar 142428 article. You can add information about yourself inrepparttar 142429 resource box. E-mailrepparttar 142430 article to web sites or e-zines that accept article submissions.

5. Create and giveaway a free ebook. Inrepparttar 142431 ebook include a section called "About The Author". Also, include an advertisement for your business.

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