How Much Traffic Is Enough

Written by Raymond Johnston Jr

How much traffic is enough? I was playing around with headlines for an ad when I jotted this down. My mind appears to be stuck. Ever since I thought of those five words, I can't seem to stop.

Is 1000 extra hits a month enough? How about 1000 a week, a day, an hour?

Logic alone tells me that there is really no such thing as enough.

How about setting goals for growth. As we mentioned before, should I try to get an extra 1000 hits a month?

That's notrepparttar answer. I think you should have one goal, To build as much traffic as you possibly can as quick as you can.

So how does one go about accomplishing this?

There are many ways. One ofrepparttar 121309 more common ones these days are traffic exchanges, such as start page and surfing programs.

These can produce a lot of traffic. Butrepparttar 121310 real trick here is using those hits so they "count". You can find out more about that in my article "Surfing For Success"

There are a lot of them and some give higher quality traffic then others. In fact withrepparttar 121311 autosurf type programs becoming more prevalent allrepparttar 121312 time, you don't even have to be there to get credits and nobody's looking when your credits disappear either.

I'm going to share a little trick you can use to convert surfing with an auto surf program into credits from one ofrepparttar 121313 top start page programs onrepparttar 121314 net. It may work with some others but many of them will approve your URLs, then turn around and cancel them.

If you don't already have an account, open one with these two.

Join KickStartHits


( Note: Feel free to userepparttar 121315 home page URLs to sign up for these traffic programs. This article is certainly not about me getting traffic sign ups. LOL )

Once you have accounts with both programs, Setrepparttar 121316 URL where you send traffic forrepparttar 121317 KickStartHits program to your NoMoreHits start page. The page you use for surfing.

KickStartHits URL to send traffic = NoMoreHits StartPage

Then set your NoMoreHits destination URL torepparttar 121318 website you want to receive traffic.

NoMoreHits URL to send traffic = Your Website where you want traffic

Now just log in to KickStartHits and let it surf while you are online. Watch your NoMoreHits credits start building quickly.

Great way to get some quality hit exchange traffic. NoMoreHits hasrepparttar 121319 reputation of being one ofrepparttar 121320 top two or three onrepparttar 121321 net. Set KickStartHits as your home page and each time you launch your browser, you will continue to earn hits as long as your browser is on.

This can generate a lot of hits each month. Combine this withrepparttar 121322 techniques I describe inrepparttar 121323 following article:

This is a great technique to increase your website effectiveness. But, is it enough? Let's try for more!

Here is method that I ran across a while back. The program is set up by Markus Allen. I'm going to warn you before you head to his site, Markus went overboard withrepparttar 121324 pop-ups, pop-unders and a lot of other things along those lines.

But and this is a huge BUT, results are what counts and this one delivers. You only have to suffer throughrepparttar 121325 pop-up nightmare once and you can build a nice surge of traffic. Well worthrepparttar 121326 effort and putting up withrepparttar 121327 pop-up network. :o) The nice thing about this one is it will keep producing over a period of time as well.

To get started, head here

Sign up for: FREE e-mail report reveals how to triple your viral traffic to your Web site in just 12 days. (It isrepparttar 121328 main program onrepparttar 121329 page)

Then just followrepparttar 121330 instructions inrepparttar 121331 report each day. This will generate even more traffic. But is it enough?

Want more? You got it!

The first two methods I mentioned were both free and both worth some very nice traffic.

This next method can be carried out free but you had better have some time and submission software. I would suggest to fork outrepparttar 121332 cash. I try and find as many free methods as possible but this one is worth every cent you'll spend.

As you have no doubt heard many times, getting links to your site should be a very big part of everyone's marketing strategy.

There are so many things to get done thatrepparttar 121333 work still overlaps from one day torepparttar 121334 next. You must pick and choose what is more important to your business and your life as well. I already work a 28 hour day and need to increase that by at least 4 to 6 hours inrepparttar 121335 next few weeks or riskrepparttar 121336 welfare of my business. :o)

I remember seeing my wife about six weeks ago as she was heading outrepparttar 121337 door. I remember saying, I should be caught up in another few hours. I'm still not caught up, in fact, I'm farther away from that goal now then I was then.

Think Beyond Today and Start Branding Your Future

Written by Raymond Johnston Jr

One ofrepparttar subjects that has been thrown around a lot lately is branding. I guess it is something that I have done for years without realizing it. Yet once I really started thinking about it, I realized that it is something too many people spend no time or money doing.

The large companies spend millions doing nothing but getting their name in front of customers. I have not had a television in years butrepparttar 121308 normal routine of people has probably not changed. A commercial comes and people are off doingrepparttar 121309 dishes, off torepparttar 121310 bathroom or finish filling out your list of things to do for tomorrow.

Even thoughrepparttar 121311 mind set of people is to other things whilerepparttar 121312 commercials are on, advertisers still spend huge money to get their name mentioned in a 30 second spot. Why? Even though a lot of people are doing other things, they still hear Drink Pepsi or Coke isrepparttar 121313 one.

Sure these people want you to watchrepparttar 121314 commercial and by running it over and over, they hope to accomplish this. Butrepparttar 121315 real branding here is for you to hear or see their name. The more you see it,repparttar 121316 more likely you are to remember it when you are making a decision on what to spend your money on.

When banner ads stopped producingrepparttar 121317 kind of response they once were, prices for them started dropping. If you need to pay bills this week, it is notrepparttar 121318 method of advertising that you would want to choose but for branding it is great.

A few hundred thousand banner impressions can do wonders for your name recognition. And today, with a little shopping around, you can get them very cheap.

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