How Much Dysfunction Should You Allow Into Your Life?

Written by Brian Maloney

What exactly is dysfunction? It is a word society, although probably overused, labels most anything and everything. However, its true attribute can be characterized as a negative that is mostly hurtful and counterproductive.

A parent who consistently talks down to their children inrepparttar attempts of suppressing their self esteem would be a perfect citing of dysfunction.

It is quite obvious that none of us can escape dysfunction. Television and media cater to an extremely dysfunctional character trait that I believe is learned, not necessarily inherited. The you angle is portrayed as subtle, but quite effective.

Whenrepparttar 129267 media designs a mass advertising campaign, they brainstormrepparttar 129268 best way to approach any perspective consumer in a targeted demographic. The you angle feeds a person’s sense of “what’s in it for me and how can I benefit”? This mindset, I feel, carries over into all phases of one’s life creating an environment of constantly coveting self fulfillment.

So with this said, how does one break this powerful moldrepparttar 129269 media injects daily onto you?

First, recognition of what is right and wrong is a good place to start becauserepparttar 129270 all-encompassing media does not care aboutrepparttar 129271 average person, they simply care about selling products, magazines, newspapers, andrepparttar 129272 like. This is much like recognizing your opponent’s weaknesses by studying them before you engage them in whatever competition; a person must understand this insurgent aspect ofrepparttar 129273 media.

The media is just one example of dysfunction, but there are literally hundreds of examples one could conjure up, and it would take an entire book to list and explain each one of them.

Initially, if a person hasrepparttar 129274 ability to recognize or detect dysfunction, then it would be logical that this person hasrepparttar 129275 capability to halt its progression into their lives. However, if a person is so accustomed to this way of life, it is seemingly second nature.

Forget Resolutions. Craft a Life Theme that Works.

Written by Lisa Martin, Founder & President, Briefcase Moms

How many people do you know who, in January, enthusiastically name their resolution forrepparttar year yet somehow neglect to follow through with it a few weeks or months later? Forget making New Year's resolutions. They rarely work because they are often based on "shoulds" versusrepparttar 129266 bigger picture of your life. What I've found does work is creating a life theme forrepparttar 129267 year ahead.

Your life theme will be your overriding intention or "big picture" focus forrepparttar 129268 upcoming months. It has an expiration date of December 31, when you'll get a chance to re-evaluate your direction. Having a life theme is like having a personal mission statement for your whole life, personal and professional, updated annually. A life theme works because it takes into consideration and connects all your intentions forrepparttar 129269 year in a succinct and powerful phrase. This collection of one to five words describes what you want to accomplish in all areas of your life and cements your main priorities with intended action.

Discover Your Intentions

Perhaps as you've explored who you are and what you want to create for your life, you've noticed that "Wellbeing" or "Wellness" has come up for you over and over. Or perhaps you've noticed more of a "Relationship" theme. Or mayberepparttar 129270 word "Passion" has tugged at your heart repeatedly, or you've focused on "Patience." These are all great themes forrepparttar 129271 upcoming year. Through your own personal discovery, you may recognize that you haven't made time in your life for many friends, that your networks are weak and that you'd like to have a social circle beyond your immediate family. Your life theme in this case could be "Connection." It may be you've realized that your life is far more filled with work and errands than with fun and play, and you want to fix that imbalance. Your life theme then could be "Energize."

Feelrepparttar 129272 Magic

Base your theme on what you find joyful and what you want to accomplish both personally and professionally. Your theme needs to strike an emotional chord with you and bring a smile to your face when your say it. You must own it. You must feel your theme's magic. It must propel you forward.

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