How Much Do You Really Need to Make as a WAHM?

Written by Susanne Myers

Many of you have been thinking about staying home withrepparttar kids, but aren’t sure they can afford to do so. Living expenses are so high these days, it is almost impossible to make meats end on one income. The idea of coming up with an income close to what you are making in your corporate job seems impossible. But do you really have to recreate your current salary to bring you home?

No, absolutely not.

Here is why. This great job of yours is costing you quite a bit. You may want to take a few minutes and jot down all these little expenses associated with your job.

Here are a few of them to get you started:

- Daycare or after school care - Summer camp - Clothing - Dry-cleaning - Gas - Car upkeep and maintenance - Taxes - Lunches and dinners - Snacks and sodas - Morning coffee onrepparttar 102886 way to work - Stopping for drinks after work - Assorted fees and publications related to your position - Convenience food (breakfast and dinner)

You are probably going to come up with some more expenses of your own. Keep a log for a few weeks and jot down all these expenses. Then calculate what your job is costing you overrepparttar 102887 year. Subtract this figure fromrepparttar 102888 amount you are brining home in a given year. You’ll get a much better feel for how much you will need to make as a wahm.

TR Cutler to Continue Industrial Connection Case Study Profiles of Southeastern U.S. Manufacturers

Written by Thomas Cutler

Ranked asrepparttar nation’s leading manufacturing journalist and an editor, TR Cutler ( tellsrepparttar 102885 extraordinary stories of manufacturers. According to Cutler, “There are great companies making great products. There are too many manufacturers and companies servingrepparttar 102886 manufacturing sector that have simply neglected to tell their story. My goal is to tell these stories in an interesting, dynamic, understandable, and relevant way.”

•Cutler foundedrepparttar 102887 Manufacturing Media Consortium™ inrepparttar 102888 same year. This is a group of more than 2000 journalists worldwide writing about trends, data, case studies, profiles, and features inrepparttar 102889 manufacturing and industrial sector. Cutler worked with hundreds of media outlets to expandrepparttar 102890 coverage and importance ofrepparttar 102891 manufacturing media coverage. •Cutler createdrepparttar 102892 "Mass Marketing Manufacturing Media Blitz", a comprehensive 90 - 180 day program allowing manufacturers with little web presence or with a new product introduction to go from zero to sixty in a short-term PR campaign. •Cutler has authored more than 1000 articles for a wide range of manufacturing, industrial, and business journals, dailies, and month trade B2B publications. •Cutler authored The Manufacturer's Public Relations and Media Guide in 2000, which quickly becamerepparttar 102893 key media resource guide for manufacturers seeking coverage. •Cutler is Associate Editor of Industrial Connection ( as of 2003. This 15,000 circulation manufacturing trade publication isrepparttar 102894 only journal of record serving manufacturers inrepparttar 102895 Southeastern United States (Georgia, North and South Carolina, and Florida.) Cutler coordinates feature articles and advertorial copy forrepparttar 102896 publication.

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