How Most Millionaires get to be Millionaires…

Written by Daegan Smith

Why do so many people claim that money isn’t important? Why is there this notion that wanting money somehow makes you an ill adjusted bad human being? It’s such a strange thought pattern don’t you think?

Wanting more money in your life doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. It doesn’t mean you’re greedy either. It just means you want more out of life. You want more freedom. You want more security. You want more fun. Whatever it is, you just want more. Money is just simple a means to that end.

I hoe I don’t letrepparttar cat out ofrepparttar 100387 bag, but that’s what this whole home business gig is anyway. Someone sells you onrepparttar 100388 idea that you can make tons of money working from home as an independent contractor or distributor for this company or that. And, it’s not that you ever buy intorepparttar 100389 promise thatrepparttar 100390 home business is selling, but you take a leap of faith and give it a try.

We start small, maybe $20 for a book about real estate investing. I know my first brush withrepparttar 100391 thought that I could be independently wealthy working from home was when I came across an ad forrepparttar 100392 ebook Googlecash (if you don’t know what I’m talking about just do a quick google search). The idea seemed so easy and so low risk I figured why not give it a try.

That wasrepparttar 100393 beginning, almost a year ago. Here I am now writing to you about my home business experiences. In that time, I’ve bought an apartment building and learned just about everything there is to learn about starting and running a business from home. And guess what? If you haven’t caught on to this yet, no matter whatrepparttar 100394 ads tell you, no home business is as simple or as cheap asrepparttar 100395 ad would have you believe. But I digress.

Secrets of a 6-Figure Freelance Writer

Written by Nick Usborne

I have been a freelance writer for almost twenty years now, and forrepparttar last ten years I have made over $100,000 a year. Sometimes maybe a shade less, but often a great deal more. Can you dorepparttar 100386 same? You probably can...

Here isrepparttar 100387 biggest secret of don't have to berepparttar 100388 BEST freelance writer to makerepparttar 100389 MOST money.

For sure, you need writing skills. You need to know your medium and know your audience -- and you need to write well. If you don't, clients won't want to hire you. So whether you are writing articles, direct mail packages, white papers or need to do a professional job.

But writing well is NOTrepparttar 100390 secret to making a 6-figure income. There are plenty of excellent writers out there who make a lot less than that. The real secret to freelance writing success lies in four areas:

>> Secret #1: Go Where The Money Is!

Too many freelance writers slog away on projects that require a lot of work, but don't pay a decent fee.

Whatever your niche or specialty, takerepparttar 100391 trouble to find out which companies REALLY understandrepparttar 100392 value of your writing.

For instance, if you write direct mail, there is great money inrepparttar 100393 health market. If you write articles, you can make a wonderful living as a travel writer. And so on. Do your own research and find out which industries and which companies pay a good fee to freelance writers.

>> Secret #2: Promote Your Business Every Day

Don't think of yourself just as a freelance writer working from home. Think of yourself as a business. And as a business you need to promote your services, aggressively and consistently.

Do one thing to promote your business every single day. It may be a phone call, attending a local business meeting, sending some emails to prospective clients, improving your web site, buying some ad space. Just do something.

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