How Laws of this Universe can Skyrocket your Sales...

Written by Yeo Feng

How Laws of this Universe can Skyrocket your Sales...

By Yeo Feng ( Web Marketer, Technology Consultant Author, How to Sell just about Anything Online

This article may be reprinted as long as full credit is given and a link is made to this site.


Most people follow a fixed formula for selling online. They create a product, try fervently to market it and then get frustrated atrepparttar results. If you happen to fall into this same pothole, do not get frustrated because you're not alone! In fact, hundreds to thousands of products and websites every year never earn any money, andrepparttar 120538 creators of these products have to end up paying advertisers exorbitant fees which only result in low click through rates.

Thus one ofrepparttar 120539 questions I get asked very often is, "Yeo, is it possible to make an honest living online?" Absolutely yes! I can not only show you how to make an honest living, but a good living as well! After all,repparttar 120540 Internet is as legitimate a media as any other, just asrepparttar 120541 television, newspaper or convention brick and mortar storefronts are.

If that'srepparttar 120542 case, what are these people doing wrong? To answer this question I studied literally thousands of marketing websites to find out their marketing techniques used. I made notes of their sales techniques, tactics andrepparttar 120543 way they handled customers. Then one simple fact dawned on me. Many people were violatingrepparttar 120544 laws ofrepparttar 120545 universe. Quite simply, they were trying to make millions even before they have made thousands.

Laws of this universe do not only apply torepparttar 120546 field of Internet marketing. They apply to virtually anything you do - studying, working, learning a new subject and so on. You reap what you sow, and in order to get results, you got to make sure that proper energy is channeled into it! Most people, however do not realize this simple fact. So how do you "channel energy" into your website? I cover 6 fundamental ways.

You may be paying advertisers hundreds or thousands of dollars for traffic, but are you attractingrepparttar 120547 right kind of customers? Many web marketers are "greedy" and want to use a "catch all" technique to get many diverse visitors, hoping that some of them will eventually purchase their products. Don't fall into this pothole. Advertise to a highly targeted audience and you will be assured of higher conversion rates.

Yardstyle Marketing

Written by Nicholas Dixon

It is just crazy. Every time I open my mouth to talk about Internet marketing, it is like I am speaking a foreign language to my audience. My local audience that is.

Here in my country of Jamaica,repparttar average person does not even know how to send an email. Ezines, search engines, optimization andrepparttar 120537 like are non-existent torepparttar 120538 ordinary man onrepparttar 120539 street.

Some people even look at me as a genius for knowing how to create, design and market a website. What they don’t realize is thatrepparttar 120540 whole process is not as complex as they might think. Anyone of them can learn to dorepparttar 120541 same thing as long as they apply themselves torepparttar 120542 situation.

At one time, I did not even know how to turn on a computer. The very first time I saw what HTML looked like I was stunned. How could I learn to do that wasrepparttar 120543 question on my mind because it look like something only geeks could do.

But I was wrong. Most persons working online are plain ordinary people. They just saw an opportunity and decided to go after it. And that could be anyone even you.

Since being online, I have learnt and done things that even surprise me. Building a website, optimization, marketing, writing articles and ezine publishing were totally unknown to me. But I realized that in order to make it one day, I would have to learn as much as possible.

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