How I Got 1600 Subscribers Last Month

Written by David Wood

How I Got 1600 Subscribers Last Month Body of Article Why get subscribers? Because it's a powerful way to let your community get to know you, to build a relationship ,and stay in touch. If your selling a product or a service, it usually takes several instances of contact before someone will buy from you. Enterrepparttar Ezine! I sent out an update recently to my R & D team mentioning I got 1600 new subscribers last month, and one member asked how I managed it. I thought I'd sharerepparttar 122653 different methods with you, too. (Byrepparttar 122654 way, to join my R&D team which is now 1,000 strong, just send a blank email to Free Web Traffic Sub'mit your sites torepparttar 122655 major search en'gines, and if you have crafted your pages properly, you will come up nearrepparttar 122656 top when people search for your key words. E.g. 'life coaching', 'motivational speaker', 'corporate training'. Save time and get better results by getting a good software program to do your work for you, and it will train you as you go. There are certain key things you should have in any search engine software you buy. You can surfrepparttar 122657 web and research to your heart's content to findrepparttar 122658 one that is best for you. Or if you prefer to buyrepparttar 122659 one I use and recommend, you can getrepparttar 122660 free 30 day trial version of WebPosition Gold here: 30 Day Trial Version Multiple Sites I have more than one domain and many of my sites link torepparttar 122661 other domains. Part of your search engine ranking has to do with how many sites link to yours. So through multiple sites, my search engine ranking goes up. Every site you have, in fact every PAGE you have on your site, is a chance you'll be found by a search engine. More pages, linking to your home page, also increases your Page Rank with Google, meaning you come up higher inrepparttar 122662 listing. If you REALLY want to be number one, take a look at and see how they haverepparttar 122663 word 'life coaching' everywhere. Sean makes a business out of being ranked highly inrepparttar 122664 engines. Free traffic is great - but it's notrepparttar 122665 only source... Paid Google Traffic I use Google Adwords to gain most of my customers. For Adwords you pay per click for certain keywords. Someone will type in, say "Life Coaching" inrepparttar 122666 Google search bar. Whenrepparttar 122667 search results come in,repparttar 122668 ads onrepparttar 122669 right show up in correlation torepparttar 122670 key words typed in. You only pay if someone clicks onrepparttar 122671 ad.

The secret for me is thatrepparttar 122672 productsrepparttar 122673 customers buy when they come to my sites, pay forrepparttar 122674 web traffic. As a bonus, I get lots of newsletter subscribers. I use too - but I don't seem to get very much traffic, and it's quite expensive. Sales Letter When I am writing a sales letter for a product, I use that opportunity to ask for subscriptions. For an example of how I get a subscription without alteringrepparttar 122675 flow, let's use I mention a few interesting 'hooks', and then I put in this paragraph:

The First Step to Clients

Written by David Wood

The First Step to Clients Body of Article Getting people to go from 'hello' to 'let me sign up as your client' can be a big ask - especially when they don't know what coaching is! So I always suggest you do an 'Introductory' or 'Exploratory' session first - no cost and no obligation. But how do you offer this? And so that they say 'yes'? In this article I'll explain exactly how to get plenty of trial sessions, which isrepparttar first step to plenty of clients. Change Your Perspective Firstly, are you trying too hard? It can be useful to make a shift from: "I need to get people as ongoing clients", to "Let's see how many introductory sessions I can provide this year". Come from a place of service. The sessions are very fulfilling, and great fun! Prospect has asked what you do, or what coaching is - now what? Most of these tips assume you're at some kind of party or networking function, but they can work for anywhere:

1) Keep your answers short and let them drive it e.g. "I'm a coach". They'll usually ask follow up questions. 2) Speak of what you do for people, not about what coaching is

e.g. "I move people forward" "I work with professionals to grow their business" "I help women expand their community of friends" "I do A, B and C for people" 3) They've asked 'How does it work?' Great. You might like to use Agassi or Tiger Woods as an example. They have coaches. It's not fixing their game, it's about being even better - or having even more in your life. 4) Another answer to this question might be: "I look for what's missing. Some people come to me for direction; some want accountability, so that stuff gets done. Others can simply use support or a sounding board. (Others are focus, inspiration and challenge)

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