How Google Indexes Content From Your Web Directory

Written by Martin Lemieux

How Google Indexes Content From Your Web Directory By: Martin Lemieux

In a fluke, I was able to notice something aboutrepparttar way Google indexes content from web directories. Excluding your template,repparttar 141414 most important line of code isrepparttar 141415 first title you add to your main body.

Search through Google and see for yourself!

Try searching for "something" in "yourcity","province/state" and look for a web business directory that you recognize. Once you find a directory, take a good look atrepparttar 141416 description of that particular listing (notrepparttar 141417 title). It may be a good idea to write it down. Once complete, click onrepparttar 141418 "cache" of that page within Google to highlightrepparttar 141419 content and viewrepparttar 141420 web directory page.

9 out of 10 timesrepparttar 141421 description of your website listing within Google is partly taken fromrepparttar 141422 first line of code you have within your main body of content (excluding your header, footer, & sidebar). You will notice that this only applies for a web directory. Any personal or business related website gets indexed differently. If you take a look atrepparttar 141423 Google directory, we findrepparttar 141424 same thing: Take a look here:

Browse to any sub-category and look atrepparttar 141425 first line of text. You will find thatrepparttar 141426 title withinrepparttar 141427 main body of content before anything else, is within an H1 tag.

H1 tags & H2 tags are nothing new torepparttar 141428 development community but, there may still be many directories online that can increase their search engine rankings by changing a few things.

Here's an example we see very often online; (I am also guilty of this)

You have just developed an impressive web directory and you are very proud of your creation. Inrepparttar 141429 process of organizing your massive directory you were faced with a problem on how to allow people to browse your website and how to let search engines browse through your categories with ease. So with that in mind, you createrepparttar 141430 "alphabetical solution".


Search Categories By Alphabetical Order: A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z

The problem with this alphabetical solution (I am also guilty as charged) is that we tend to add this development solution torepparttar 141431 top of our page so that our visitors and possibly search engines can find these extra categories easily. << This is probably hurting your results in many ways.

So, Where Has Your Search Engine Been Today?

Written by Ajeet Khurana

Visit Google, Yahoo, MSN or one ofrepparttar lesser search engines, and you get a few million results for just about any search term. Despite this impressive depth of results, most users consider only a few ofrepparttar 141215 WebPages being pointed to. A lot of research indicates that most searchers exit search engine result pages to visit one ofrepparttar 141216 top three results. That raisesrepparttar 141217 question: What aboutrepparttar 141218 remaining million plus results?

We Need a Search-Engine to Search Search-Engine Results! Based onrepparttar 141219 above premise, I set out on a mission to simplify search engine results. But, try as I might, I could not find an automated method to simplify search engine results. I think that is logical, otherwise these multi-billion dollar behemoths would have done so themselves. So, I thought: What is that one thing that I can do whichrepparttar 141220 Googles and Yahoos ofrepparttar 141221 world cannot do. Andrepparttar 141222 quick answer was: I can use human / personal discretion in choosing search results. This would bypassrepparttar 141223 legion of search engine optimizers who keep building link popularity to rise up in search pages.

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