How GPS Works

Written by Anne King

Global Positioning System (GPS) is a navigational aid originally developed forrepparttar military. The system simply receives signals. It isrepparttar 150300 applied technology that givesrepparttar 150301 GPS its versatility.

If you have ever used map and compass, you will understand a little about howrepparttar 150302 GPS works. In order to find your position on a map, you need to have three points of reference. The intersecting line fromrepparttar 150303 reference points is where you are. Map and compass work uses triangulation (bearings), GPS uses trilateration (distances) to calculate location. Satellites orbitingrepparttar 150304 earth emit unique signals that can be received by a GPS. The GPS software interpretsrepparttar 150305 signal, identifyingrepparttar 150306 satellite that it came from, where it was located, andrepparttar 150307 time that it took forrepparttar 150308 signal to reachrepparttar 150309 system. Oncerepparttar 150310 receiver has both time and distance it begins to determine position.

Three satellites providerepparttar 150311 intersection point andrepparttar 150312 fourth is used to check thatrepparttar 150313 positioning is accurate. Accuracy depends uponrepparttar 150314 synchronization of atomic clocks inrepparttar 150315 satellites withrepparttar 150316 clock inrepparttar 150317 GPS system. Althoughrepparttar 150318 clock inrepparttar 150319 GPS is not atomic, utilizingrepparttar 150320 fourth satellite gives it that functionality asrepparttar 150321 internal clock adjusts itself to correct any discrepancy discovered.

GPS has gone far beyond its initial military application. Drivers can find their way through city streets, long distance trekkers userepparttar 150322 technology to cross unfamiliar terrain, mariners and pilots use GPS enhanced data to crossrepparttar 150323 seas and skies.

In--vehicle GPS can be integrated intorepparttar 150324 car entertainment system or can be installed as a removable device. These systems need to tellrepparttar 150325 driver where he/she is and how to reach their destination. The information includes road directions plus relevant features alongrepparttar 150326 way such as rest stops, gas stations, points of interest, etc. Auto GPS uses voice commands so thatrepparttar 150327 driver can concentrate onrepparttar 150328 road.

Hikers and trekkers use similar technology, but normally withoutrepparttar 150329 inclusion of road systems on their devices. Mapping software definesrepparttar 150330 territory thatrepparttar 150331 hiker will encounter. The user can enter waypoints (points of reference) so they can return usingrepparttar 150332 same route. They can add points of interest such as water sources, possible campsites, and other items of interest on their trail. However,repparttar 150333 portability demanded by hikers will also limitrepparttar 150334 functionality ofrepparttar 150335 system as small screens mean that some detail will be lost.

Choosing The Right Comic Book Storage Box

Written by AAA-Collectables

Most Comic Book Storage Boxes are super strong and come with sturdy well-fitting lids and handle holes that can be left inrepparttar closed position for storing or pushed open for carrying. They are properly sized to hold a comic in a bag with a backing board. Comic Book divider cards (used for categorizing) fit in most comic book boxes withrepparttar 150299 lid on. Comic Book Storage boxes ship flat which takes up less storage room and they fold together when you are ready to use them without glue or tape. Storing your comics in a properly sized box helps protect your comics from corner and edge damage. Putting your comics in a comic box also protectsrepparttar 150300 comic from being exposed to ultra-violet light and Ultra-violet light causes inks to fade. Most comic book boxes are made form either Corrugated Plastic or Corrugated Cardboard and come in several different lengths for your various storage and display needs.

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