How Do You Stay Focused?

Written by Susan Dunn

Staying focused means getting those distractions out ofrepparttar way that are keeping you from accomplishing what you want to. Life is full of ways to let ourselves become distracted. Pleasures and competing obligations are always calling to us.


What IS a distraction? Take a look at this painting and learn what a distraction is --! I use this painting, “Ulysses,” by Draper, as an illustration of what Intentionality is, an emotional intelligence competency.

This painting is an illustration of part ofrepparttar 131039 adventures of Ulysses, and, ifrepparttar 131040 painting has done its work, you’ve already gottenrepparttar 131041 message!

There’s a man tied torepparttar 131042 mast – that’srepparttar 131043 hero, Ulysses.

Focus onrepparttar 131044 expression ofrepparttar 131045 man atrepparttar 131046 bottom center ofrepparttar 131047 painting,repparttar 131048 man who’s rowing. This sailor is one of my favorite images. Ulysses was on a journey and he’d been told that when he encounteredrepparttar 131049 Sirens at sea, they would seduce him and his men with their irresistible song no man could resist.

Take this as a metaphor forrepparttar 131050 strongest distraction for a man with a mission, a man at work. And of course this applies to women too. This portion ofrepparttar 131051 myth is about DISTRACTION that disables intent.

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions" is an old saying. It means you can have allrepparttar 131052 best intentions inrepparttar 131053 world, but if you don't carry them through on them, they are worthless.


Back to our myth. Ulysses was determined to complete his journey, and, having been forewarned ofrepparttar 131054 danger ofrepparttar 131055 Sirens' song, he put wax inrepparttar 131056 ears of his men. He left his own ears unplugged, but had himself bound torepparttar 131057 masthead.

You can fill inrepparttar 131058 blanks here by looking atrepparttar 131059 men. The look on Ulysses’ face shows yourepparttar 131060 lure ofrepparttar 131061 song, but atrepparttar 131062 same time you can seerepparttar 131063 Sirens yourself and one of these luscious creatures is right in front of this man who’s rowing. But he knows his job and he’s going to do it. That is to say, he has Intentionality. MOTIVATION

And what might motivate him? It’s Ulysses’ voyage, and Ulysses’ adventure, Ulysses who will getrepparttar 131064 glory when it’s over, and Ulysses who never has to row. We never even learnrepparttar 131065 names of his men, whose night jobs are to be turned into pigs on Circe’s island, and to be eaten by Scylla,repparttar 131066 sea monster, while their day job is to row.

Alone This Valentine's Day? First Of All, No, You Aren't. Secondly, Here Are Some Ways to ^Defend^ Yourself

Written by Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach

Valentine's Day can range from annoying to dreadful when you aren't paired, so let's put a new spin on this!

You probably feel sorry for yourself because you'rerepparttar Only One who's alone, but if you're alone you're NOT alone. According torepparttar 131037 American Association for Single people, 82 million men and women inrepparttar 131038 United States are unmarried.

If you define adults as those over 18, 44% of US adults are single. By 2010, it should be 47.2%. That's getting very close to half. What will we do then? Renamerepparttar 131039 holiday? Abolish it? Or will those of us who are single rise up and demand our OWN holiday? An UNValentine's Day?? Holidays DO disappear, you know. When I was young, we celebrated May Day. Honestly, you bought Hallmark paper basket kits, you assembled them, you filled them with fresh flowers and placed them on your neighbors' doorsteps. I am not making this up.

But I am digressing.

Back to my point. A LOT of us are single, so you AREN'T alone if you're alone on Valentine 's Day. If that doesn't make you feel better, try these things, which will be just a little tongue in cheek, because I want to ramp you out of your position of feeling sorry for yourself. I've tried most of these, BTW, having been single longer than some of you have been alive, and they work!

This isrepparttar 131040 old - if you can't change IT, change your FEELINGS toward it. FREUD!!!

How could we not mention F-R-E-U-D onrepparttar 131041 national ^romantic^ holiday? Remember Freud's "defense mechanisms"? A common misconception is that they're all "bad," but actually we need our defense mechanisms. They're helpful! We need our defense mechanisms to:

1. Minimize anxiety 2. Protectrepparttar 131042 ego 3. Maintain repression a.It prevents discomfort b.It leads to some economy of time and effort

I'm sure you're with me now that if you plan to, um, GET THROUGH VALENTINE'S DAY AS A SINGLE, a defense mechanism or 10 might come in handy.

So here we go.


1. Affiliation: Dealing with emotional conflict and stressors (hereinafter referred to as "it") by turning to others for help or support. Valentine Application (VA): This is a great defense! Call your coach! Commiserate with friends. Talk to your sweet Mom.

2. Aim Inhibition: Limiting ^instinctual demands^, accepting partial fulfillment. VA: Invite a platonic boyfriend out for Valentine's Day and pretend it's all you really wanted. Who needs mad, passionate sex when you can talk about QuikBooks for three hours at Chili's, right?

3. Altruism: Deal with it by meetingrepparttar 131043 needs of others. VA: Do as I've done. Choose someone to shower with your affection - a grand-daughter works! Go out and buy allrepparttar 131044 things you'd want yourself - perfume, flowers, fluffy pink sweater, do it up big! Wrap 'em up, carry them over there, take her out and wine and dine her and savor! Feels great!

4. Anticipation: Deal with it by experiencing emotional reactions in advance of possible future events and considering realistic alternative responses or solutions. VA: Well, that's what we're doing here. We're circumventing a lousy Valentine's Day, and making our plans otherwise. How cool is that?

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