How Do You Get People to Listen to You

Written by Kendall Summerhawk

Have you noticed people pretending to listen? They nod their head and murmur, "a-huh" butrepparttar truth is they are not paying much attention to what you are saying!

I recommend being very careful about describing what it is you do too soon or in too much detail. Why? Because: It's Not About You, It's About Them. When you make 'it about them', you are only talking for a sentence or two, and then asking another question.

My rule of thumb is this: you are either ASKING a question or SUMMARIZING whatrepparttar 120713 person just said.

Being asked to describe what you do on a first meeting is a trap! Do not fall into it. The person asking you may seem like they really want to know more. But their curiosity will quickly be extinguished if you talk for more than two sentences!

If you want to talk a bit about what you do, ask permission first. Simply ask, "May I spend a minute describing how my service works?" You are likely to receive not only a yes answer butrepparttar 120714 person's full attention. Permission always builds trust, rapport and respect.

What is Your Call to Action

Written by Kendall Summerhawk

It isn't easy getting someone's attention. That's why advertisers pull crazy stunts to get somebody - anybody, to listen to their message. Only you are not a crazy advertiser. You are a talented, caring, eager-to-help professional. But you still need to get somebody's -repparttar right somebody's, attention. You don't want to push, beg, wait, or hope to get attention. You have to orchestrate it like a maestro in front of her musicians, poised and ready to begin atrepparttar 120712 simple sweep of her baton.

You can easily become your own marketing maestro, and here is your baton: Create one compelling action step for your prospective client to take!

Give too many choices and you create confusion. And as I've said before, "A confused mind says no." Create one simple action step and make it as big-as-a-barn-door so it can't be missed.

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