How Do You Find What Your Calling In Life Is

Written by Dave Cole

What is God's vision for your life, what is His plan for you?

We had so many wonderful comments come in this week about our last newsletter. If you would like to re-read that issue, it's online here:

One ofrepparttar main questions that folks asked, "How do we find what our calling in life is?"

First let me say, I'm not going to set myself up here as an expert in this area, what I am going to share with you isrepparttar 123770 few insights I've learned overrepparttar 123771 years.

Understand, you are never "just" a plumber, or a salesperson, or "just" a farmer, or "just" a school teacher.

You are someone special.

You are someone created by a higher power inrepparttar 123772 universe.

You are someone loved and cherished by that higher power in your life.

But,repparttar 123773 only true fulfillment in life will be when you are doing what that higher power has called you to be.

Your mission, is to find what that calling is on your life then follow it.

Some are called to be housewives, some coal miners, some train engineers, some bank presidents, some are called to be butchers, bakers, or Indian chiefs.

What is important to know is you will never find that true satisfaction doing "just" what you want to do. There's something inside of all of us that says I've gotta do what that calling is on my life.

What arerepparttar 123774 gifts and talents and abilities that have been given you in life?

That will help you identify what your specific calling is.

If you hate mathematics and can't understand it, then being an accountant is most likely not your call. If what you are doing is drudgery or un-fullfilling, if you just seem to hate getting up inrepparttar 123775 morning and facing what you do everyday, then most likely you are not following your calling in life.

Look into yourself and ask, "What are you good at, what do you really enjoy doing, what are you fruitful at, what part of your life do you findrepparttar 123776 most satisfaction?

What is your passion in life?

If you're not followingrepparttar 123777 gifts that have been given you, then you're never going to achieve your fullest potential here on Earth.

If you're following your true passion, and utilizingrepparttar 123778 talents and gifts you have been given, then you just can't seem to wait tillrepparttar 123779 alarm clock goes off inrepparttar 123780 morning, you just seem to hate to go to bed and call it a day.

Attitude Check

Written by Dave Balch

Attitude is likerepparttar foundation of a building: it doesn't matter how wellrepparttar 123769 building is designed, built, or maintained; it will fail ifrepparttar 123770 foundation isn't sound.

When you run your own business (or, for that matter, when you live your life) there will be ups and downs, successes and failures. Your attitude will determine how you handle them, and how you handle them will determine your success.

Basically, attitude is about choices and expectations. First, let's talk about choices. Everything you do or say is a choice. There is always a choice. Paying taxes, for example, is a choice: you could choose to go to jail instead of coughing uprepparttar 123771 dough. Why you would do that is beyond me, but it is still a choice.

Attitudes affect more than your choices, though; they affect your expectations. I am a firm believer inrepparttar 123772 old axiom "Things tend to happenrepparttar 123773 way you expect them to happen". If your attitude affects your expectations, and your expectations affectrepparttar 123774 way things happen, then your attitude affectsrepparttar 123775 way things happen. Either consciously or subconsciously we do things that tend to swayrepparttar 123776 outcome of any given situation to match our expectations.

For example, if you are making a sales call and you are sure that there won't be a sale, you probably won't give a very convincing argument to buy, will you?

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say this: attitude isrepparttar 123777 single most important element of success in your business and your life.

At one point I needed to hire a salesman (selling software to large corporations). I had been through several different guys and none of them really had what I needed. Enter Andy.

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