How Do I View the Event?

Written by John Cali

How Do I Viewrepparttar Event? John Cali

As this new year dawned just a few days ago, our thoughts and heartfelt compassion were directed to all those souls caught up inrepparttar 122204 earthquake and tsunami. Today (January 4),repparttar 122205 Washington Post reportedrepparttar 122206 death toll at 140,000 and climbing. Certainly a human tragedy of unimaginable proportions.

At our Chief Joseph Discussion Group, one of our members asked some pretty sobering questions about this event. Questions, I’m sure, that are onrepparttar 122207 minds of many. Two other of our members responded to her questions. All three postings are powerful and articulate.

So this week we’re doing something we almost never do. We’re giving Joseph a “vacation.” And I’m publishing those three postings from our discussion group. I think you’ll find them poignantly thought-provoking.

If you’ve been considering joining our discussion group, but haven’t yet, you can sign up here:

How Do I Viewrepparttar 122208 Event?


Hi, everybody -- Sorry I've been so quiet; school got crazy and I've just been reading and absorbing. I'm going through a strange stage right now, and am not sure how to describe it. It's good, though, because it is resulting in growth. Anyway, I'm trying to get my head aroundrepparttar 122209 earthquake and tsunami. Every time I go torepparttar 122210 computer,repparttar 122211 death toll has jumped. My children and I have offered prayers, and I find myself staring out at my incredibly flat back yard (I live in north Texas), straining to see something. What message does a sudden leap of so many souls bring? Why am I here when they are not? Is this but a preparation for a greater event? Other than money, how can I help? These are just some ofrepparttar 122212 thoughts in my mind. Is anyone else having trouble like this? love and light, (name deleted)

Response #1

Dear (name deleted), I would be very surprised if there were many people who were NOT havingrepparttar 122213 same difficulty that you are having! Ultimately all of us have to find our own meaning in such an event....but here are some thoughts that I have run across which have brought some comfort to me, though I know that from a human perspective it is impossible to really understand such an event. I have heard it said that both Mother Earth and all who live here are moving to a higher vibration of light and love and so some souls have decided to help with that transition from this side ofrepparttar 122214 veil while others decided to assist in this change fromrepparttar 122215 other side ofrepparttar 122216 veil and so this may be one reason for such a mass exodus....and, forrepparttar 122217 same reason, there may be others inrepparttar 122218 future. An event of this nature may also result in having all of us think aboutrepparttar 122219 meaning of death and whether we have perhaps viewed it inappropriately which sometimes isrepparttar 122220 reason for our sorrow and anguish. There have been many who have taught that our lives are eternal and thus death is merely a transition from one phase to another and that it is really notrepparttar 122221 "tragic" event that so many have labeled it to be.

Superultramodern / Joshian Quotes and Dialogues 2

Written by Dr Kedar Joshi, PBSSI

The world is rationally constructed, so reason can uncover its secrets.

- Leibniz

We tend to think thatrepparttar world is rationally constructed because reason is our only tool to understandrepparttar 122203 world. I rather deeply suspect thatrepparttar 122204 construction ofrepparttar 122205 world is not based on reason but something else; so reason cannot uncover its secrets.

- Joshi

The senses deceive us, but reason revealsrepparttar 122206 truth.

- Parmenides of Elea

The senses deceive us as space is a virtual reality, and I suspect that reason is also a form of deception.

- Joshi

Man is a rational animal and I fear that it could be his ultimate philosophical tragedy.

- Joshi

We have to believe that there is no proof.

- Joshi

Change and motion and space and time are all inrepparttar 122207 mind.

- Zeno of Elea

Yes, andrepparttar 122208 mind is non - spatial.

- Joshi

Space is really non - spatial.

- Joshi

Capitalism isrepparttar 122209 most sophisticated form of barbarism.

- Joshi

Fear isrepparttar 122210 worst form of violence.

- Joshi

Freedom is a relative term. Absolutely it is impossible.

- Joshi

To be is to be a slave.

- Joshi

To be moral is to be irrational, because morality is relative, and in absolute terms it is absurd.

- Joshi

So far, an atheist isrepparttar 122211 one who cannot prove that God does not exist. Also he isrepparttar 122212 one who only disagrees withrepparttar 122213 conventional proofs / arguments forrepparttar 122214 existence of God.

- Joshi

If you want to meet a most narrow minded and orthodox person, go and find an ordinary scientist.

- Joshi

Even absence is present.

- Joshi

An actor is a person who has two presents which are not in agreement with each other.

- Joshi

Living isrepparttar 122215 greatest addiction.

- Joshi

The oldest andrepparttar 122216 youngest entity inrepparttar 122217 world is world itself.

- Joshi

The most uncertain and adventures form of science is called philosophy.

- Joshi

Language is a servant of thought. And sometimesrepparttar 122218 commands ofrepparttar 122219 masters are too profound to obey.

- Joshi

The greatest wisdom lies inrepparttar 122220 deepest understanding ofrepparttar 122221 universe.

- Joshi

Great things are often victims of harsh criticism. Philosophy is one of them.

- Joshi

No human society can be perfect or ideal mainly because its needs and capacities can never be in harmony.

- Joshi

A ( logical / conceptual ) paradox can exist only if reason is flawed.

- Joshi

I thinkrepparttar 122222 problem of creation ofrepparttar 122223 universe involves a paradox which further implies that reason is flawed.

- Joshi

Representation of thought is always non - spatial. Thought cannot exist in a spatial form.

- Joshi

Writing is a thinker's way to perfection.

- Joshi

Perhaps nothing is ultimately true or false.

- Joshi

Everything knows something.

- Joshi

Life is a dream because space is a virtual reality.

- Joshi

The study of economics is equivalent torepparttar 122224 study of structure of a system. Greaterrepparttar 122225 structure greaterrepparttar 122226 economics.

- Joshi

Man is a philosophical animal. ( I think somebody has said this before. )

- Joshi

A big industrial city, say London, and a small undeveloped village are both extremes, that sound me like an uncivilised barbaric place. The later is far backward in time whilerepparttar 122227 former inhabits only machines. I rather prefer a golden mean, like Cambridge.

- Joshi

As Man tends to be developed he tends to be isolated. And that is his destiny.

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