How Cybersquatters Make Money from Your Children’s and Your Own Innocent Flubs

Written by Anti Spam

Getting clicks and traffic by accident appears to be big business. And by ‘big’ I mean worth MILLIONS of dollars! While typosquatting is unfortunately not a new online marketing practice, its use and, moreover, its ABUSE has grown significantly and exponentially since 2000. Cybersquatting means registering, trafficking in or using a domain name withrepparttar intent to profit in bad faith fromrepparttar 108243 goodwill of a trademark that belongs to someone else. It commonly refers torepparttar 108244 practice of buying up domain names that use incorporaterepparttar 108245 names of existing businesses withrepparttar 108246 intent to sellrepparttar 108247 names for a profit to those businesses. The term derives from squatting,repparttar 108248 practice of building some kind of home or dwelling or in some way using someone else's landed property without their permission. Typosquatting, although very similar to cybersquatting, has a slightly different, but much more serious purpose: it is employed by people who want to divert traffic to their websites. Typosquatters typically purchase a domain name that is a variation of a popular domain name withrepparttar 108249 expectation that some ofrepparttar 108250 traffic forrepparttar 108251 original web site will stray to theirs by capitalizing on web surfers´ misspellings of those popular domain names. How can large companies, with all their IT experts, not foresee something like this happening? How come they allow tons of opportunistics to make revenue every time innocent Internet users mistyperepparttar 108252 original brandnames or trademarks? The answer is, cybersquatting originated at a time when most businesses were not savvy aboutrepparttar 108253 commercial opportunities onrepparttar 108254 Internet. Since opportunities like these rarely knock on one’s door more than once, these so-called ‘entrepreneurs’ reserved and registered domain names corresponding torepparttar 108255 names of well-known businesses withrepparttar 108256 intent of sellingrepparttar 108257 names back torepparttar 108258 companies when they finally woke up. Commercial domain names are obtained from companies that are authorized to ensure that a domain name you want is unique (no one else already has it) and issue it to you if it is. However, these registries make no attempt to determine whetherrepparttar 108259 domain name is one that rightfully ought to go to someone else. The principle is ‘First come, first served.’ Panasonic, Fry's Electronics, Hertz and Avon were amongrepparttar 108260 first targets of cybersquatters. Well-known products, sports and political figures and other celebrities are also amongrepparttar 108261 victims. Today,, althoughrepparttar 108262 practice itself is growing, opportunities for cybersquatters are rapidly diminishing, because most businesses now know that nailing down domain names is a top priority. Although trademark laws may offer some protection, it is often cheaper to buyrepparttar 108263 domain name fromrepparttar 108264 cybersquatter than it is to sue for its use: these processes cost money, and though you may be able to recover your costs and attorney fees if you win, there is no guarantee; it's completely up torepparttar 108265 judge. Among some ofrepparttar 108266 most famous examples of domains resold by cybersquatters to companies are; for over $1 million, for $3.5 million andrepparttar 108267 unprecedented $7.5 million paid for, all in 1999. Cybersquatters may also regularly comb lists of recently expired domain names, hoping to sell backrepparttar 108268 name to a registrant who inadvertently let their domain name expire. How do you know ifrepparttar 108269 domain name you want is being used by a cybersquatter? As a general rule, first check to see ifrepparttar 108270 domain name takes you to a legitimate website. If it takes you to a website that appears to be functional and reasonably related in its subject matter torepparttar 108271 domain name, you probably are not facing a case of cybersquatting. But if you own a trademark and find that someone is holding it hostage as a domain name until you pay a large sum for it, you may berepparttar 108272 victim of cybersquatting. You can sue to get your domain name -- and possibly some money damages -- under a 1999 federal law known asrepparttar 108273 Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act or you can initiate arbitration proceedings underrepparttar 108274 authority ofrepparttar 108275 Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and winrepparttar 108276 name back withoutrepparttar 108277 expense and aggravation of a lawsuit. The ICANN arbitration system is considered by trademark experts to be faster and less expensive than suing underrepparttar 108278 ACPA, andrepparttar 108279 procedure does not require an attorney.

Typosquatting, however, is a much more dangerous practice because it is commonly used by pornographers. Typosquatting is based onrepparttar 108280 probability that a certain number of Internet users will mistyperepparttar 108281 name of a web site (or its URL) when browsingrepparttar 108282 web. Typosquatters usually register several possible typos for a brand name or web site known for its high traffic, then monitor to see how many clicks per day each of their typo domain names receives, and finally userepparttar 108283 information to sell advertising forrepparttar 108284 web sites that receive a high volume of accidental traffic. Ironically, advertising revenue might come from selling ads torepparttar 108285 original site's competitors or by providing redirect pages to related products or services.

Is your domain costing you traffic?

Written by Nicholas Dixon

You visited a great website some time ago that had some fantastic information on it. It is not easily found in search engines results so you decide to typerepparttar domain name into your favorite browser. The problem is thatrepparttar 108242 url spells out something like

Does that sound ethical to you? It maybe helpful with those search engine rankings but for many visitors that can be a pain in you know what to type out.

For years I worked in an internet café and was surprised to know that many persons can’t type in a hyphen. Instead of finding out how to do it, they just move on to an alternate site hence a loss of traffic.

The average computer user can be a lazy fellow indeed. That’s why there are so many keyboard shortcuts. He needs to complete his task as soon as possible.

Ever wonder whyrepparttar 108243 Googles, Yahoos, Amazons and Ebays ofrepparttar 108244 online world are so successful? It’s because there domain name play a significant role in there branding.

There are countless persons logging on forrepparttar 108245 first time each day in search of information that can assist them inrepparttar 108246 iniation process. It is imperative that your domain name play a major part in creating a bond with your viewers.

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