How Cost Containment Creates a Win Win for you

Written by Gary Goldsmith

Property Management: A simple strategy to increase client loyalty

Property managers who pro-actively employ advanced techniques to help property owners and anchor tenants reduce operating costs, will most certainly be considered a more valuable business asset. When you can achieve this with lower administrative functions and no out-of-pocket cost to you or your client’s, you’ve created additional benefits.

Inrepparttar world of commercial and apartment properties there resides a constant un-ending challenge for property owners – As a savvy professional property manager, you haverepparttar 104715 opportunity to meet this challenge and potentially save your client’s considerable money. The “constant challenge” of course is how to effectively control operating costs and potentially increaserepparttar 104716 N.O.I. on any commercial or apartment property. These factors are paramount and fundamental to commercial investments and they can weigh heavily onrepparttar 104717 properties capacity to support preferred level financing as well as future value.

In a professional setting and as an investment property owner and developer, I understandrepparttar 104718 importance andrepparttar 104719 impact that effective property management can have on real estate and property owner’s. The outstanding P.M. that pro-actively controls costs isrepparttar 104720 company that creates ongoing loyalty, gets referred more often and prospers financially. The opposite is also true!

You may not be aware that you have available to you right now, a resource that you can add to your current menu of services that can potentially and very effectively reduce your monthly administrative responsibilities in a specific area of property management and similarly potentially save your property owners hundreds if not thousands of dollars in monthly operating expense.

Every month when you are paying trash waste collection invoices, you are very likely overpaying by 20% to 50% more than you should to have property dumpster trash hauled off. Contract or not, even if you believe you have negotiated cost effective waste contracts for your properties, there is a good chance you’re throwing money away. More important, owners could be throwing away their money.

The waste removal business is a lucrative multi-million dollar industry. They haverepparttar 104721 opportunity to easily take advantage of customers. Your waste bills can be inflated through many hidden areas such as; excessive pick-up intervals, incorrect container sizing, service levels, fuel service increases/surcharges, landfill increases, hidden extras and so forth. Simply asking a trash hauler to lower their fees for you – won’t work! The potential magnitude of this problem has beenrepparttar 104722 topic in a number of prominent publications.

Seven Steps to Finding a Job You Love

Written by by Deirdre McEachern, ICF Certified Personal Coach

Today is a great day to beginrepparttar journey toward finding a job you will love. Since you are attempting to create a brand new future for yourself, I suggest you give this process some time. Work your way throughrepparttar 104714 steps below over a few weeks. It’s a good idea to approach this program like taking a class. Set aside a specific time each week, such as Monday evenings at 7 p.m. Each week, read one step and work on it. Overrepparttar 104715 course ofrepparttar 104716 week, be sure to let each step percolate in your mind during your daily activities. The following Monday, note any new thoughts you have had and then beginrepparttar 104717 next step. If you get stuck or need help, you can contact Deirdre at 207-439-4280 for assistance.

Step #1: Identify Why You Are Changing Careers

The first step in any career change is to identify why you are looking for a change. It is important to know whether you are trying to move away from something or if you are trying to move toward something. Ultimately, it is much more empowering to move toward something as opposed to trying to escape from something.

It is much more difficult to identify your ideal job if your personal vision is limited to overcomingrepparttar 104718 negatives of your current situation.

This is your time to dare to dream. Why not dream big? If you are going to make a career change, keep all of your options open to give yourselfrepparttar 104719 best chance of making a fresh start. This is your time to find a job you will love for years to come.

Step # 2: Create a Personal Vision & Specify Your Goals

The next step in finding work you love involves creating a very clear vision of your future work situation. You need to be able to definitively answerrepparttar 104720 following questions: --What is your ideal work day schedule? --What is your required salary to live comfortably? (For more information on salary and work you love, I highly recommendrepparttar 104721 book Your Money or Your Life by Joe Dominguez and Vicki Robin) --What is your preferred commute time? --What are your ideal positions and tasks? --To what managerial level do you want to be reporting? --Are you an entrepreneur at heart? --Would you consider self-employment? --Are there any other logistical aspects you need to consider – such as travel required or on-site day care provisions?

Try to think through every aspect of a normal day. Don’t be afraid to outline what might feel like unrealistic or pie-in-the-sky options. The purpose here is to get very clear on what it is you want. Not what you think you can get.

Creating this vision and specifying your goals is an integral step toward finding your ideal job. I recommend that my clients spend plenty of time on these questions and write out their answers in a notebook or journal.

Step #3: Re-Connect With Your Interests

So many of my clients have lost touch with their interests. It is not easy for them to identifyrepparttar 104722 things that capture their attention. To help get your self-knowledge flowing, answerrepparttar 104723 following questions overrepparttar 104724 course of a typical week:

--What is your favorite bookstore section? --Which sections ofrepparttar 104725 newspaper do you turn to first? --What magazine subscriptions do you have? --What were your favorite classes in college? --What are your hobbies? --What categories of books do you keep on your bookshelf? --What great conversations do you remember from parties and social events? What wasrepparttar 104726 topic? What made it a great conversation?

After keeping track of these things for a week you should be able to identify some trends. Did you notice some of your interests emerging on a consistent basis? Are you able to narrow it down to two or three top interests?

Do not worry at this point whetherrepparttar 104727 interests you have identified have any possibilities as careers. You are just beginningrepparttar 104728 self-exploration process. In order to have any hope of finding work you love, you have to start by identifying what is truly interesting to you!

Step #4: Re-Connect With Your Values

Interests and values go together like a lock and a key. Once you have identified some of your favorite interests,repparttar 104729 next step is to explore your values. Your values are your deeply held convictions that compel you into action. Many people become unsatisfied in their careers because one or more of their personal values are not being met. To uncover some of your strongest inner values try to answer some or all ofrepparttar 104730 following questions:

--Who is your favorite famous person? What is it that you admire about them? --If you never had to work again, what would you spend your time doing? Why? --If you could solve one world problem what would it be? --What personal accomplishment are you most proud of? --What are your top three movies of all time? What theme do they share? --What makes you mad? --What would you want said about you at your funeral?

These questions are likely to take you longer to answer than any ofrepparttar 104731 others so far. That is because your values are atrepparttar 104732 core of what motivates you in life. When you find work that is in sync with one or more of your values, you will feel a great desire to do that work. It will feel more like your "calling" rather than merely a job.

You will gain a sense of importance aboutrepparttar 104733 work you are doing. You will feel that your time is being spent wisely and that your work makes a difference. When you can combine these values-based feelings with working in an area of your interest, you will be well on your way to finding work you love. Try to sum up your answers fromrepparttar 104734 questions in this step and then identify your top three values.

Step #5: Know Your Abilities!

Now you know why you are looking to change careers (better pay? more fulfillment?), what you would like your future work day to look like (nine to five? three weeks vacation? On-site gym?), your areas of interest (history? biology? human development?) and your values (education? tenacity? helping others?). The next step inrepparttar 104735 process is to connect these emotional components with what you are actually hard-wired to do. You can find this out by taking a natural abilities test.

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