How About a Jungle Mural to Put Some Swing Into Your Child’s Room?

Written by Michael Holland

If your child loves all different types of animals, a jungle mural is a great way to make their room a fun and enjoyable place. You might be thinking how you will be able to achieve such a task, especially if you do not have artistic talents.

The truth is, however, that this type of mural is rather easy to construct as long as you haverepparttar tools to do it.

The easiest way to create a jungle mural is to transfer a desired jungle scene, animal or image to transparency film, and then use an overhead projector to displayrepparttar 110373 image onrepparttar 110374 wall, which you can then trace out and begin painting.

You will find that transparency film can be purchased from any store that sells computer accessories, business or school items. As forrepparttar 110375 projector, you may be fortunate enough to be able to borrow one from your work place, or your child’s school.

If that is not an option, you can always rent one, or purchase one from a local business store or online.

The best place to look for images for your jungle mural is onrepparttar 110376 internet, simply because your child will be given many more options to choose from, as well asrepparttar 110377 images can be easily printed off onrepparttar 110378 transparency film. When looking for images, a good rule of thumb, if you are artistically challenged, is to make sure that you don’t select images with too much detail.

Try to select those that are two-dimensional. In addition to using transparencies, you can also use stencils for smaller animals such as for any birds that may be inrepparttar 110379 sky or sitting on trees. Stencils can be purchased in craft stores.

The best paints for you to purchase when constructing your jungle mural, are acrylic and artist paints, which you can get from craft or art specialty stores, as well as online. You will also need a variety of different sized brushes to go along with your paints.

Writing Your Life Stories

Written by LeAnn R. Ralph

Rememberrepparttar time that you got into 'big trouble' when you were a kid because. . .?

Or what aboutrepparttar 110372 time that your little sister. . .?

Or how aboutrepparttar 110373 time that your mom was making. . .and burned the. . .?

You probably have hundreds of these stories tucked away in your memory. Perhaps you've even thought that someday you would like to write about them. There's only one problem. "I don't know where to start — I wouldn't know what to write," you think to yourself.

One simple technique that will help you recall those stories and put them into written form is called "clustering," which is featured in a book titled Writingrepparttar 110374 Natural Way by Gabriele Lusser Rico (copyright 1983; J.P. Tarcher, Inc.)

Whether you are aiming for publication or whether you just want to write down your stories for your children and grandchildren isn't important. The technique will help you to recall your life stories.

Materials needed: several sheets of paper; a pen or a pencil.

1. Find a comfortable place that's quiet where you can work for 15 to 30 minutes without being interrupted (kitchen table; desk in your office; easy chair in your living room).

2. Think of a subject that is meaningful for you, such as Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Valentine's Day, Fourth of July, Easter, New Year's Day. Other possibilities include birthdays, a beloved pet, a best friend, an older brother or sister, a younger brother or sister, a cousin, grandmother, grandfather, your mom or dad, a neighbor who was like a mother/father/grandmother/grandfather. Additional possibilities could include an enjoyable hobby, such as growing flowers, vegetable gardening, baking cookies, baking cakes, making candy, or sewing.

3. Writerepparttar 110375 subject that you have selected inrepparttar 110376 center of one ofrepparttar 110377 sheets of paper and then circle it.

4. Draw a line with an arrow from your central word. Put it wherever it feels "right" to you. Up or down. Left or right. At an angle. Fill inrepparttar 110378 point ofrepparttar 110379 arrow. Filling inrepparttar 110380 arrow will give your brain a few seconds to makerepparttar 110381 connection torepparttar 110382 next word or phrase associated with your subject. The basis ofrepparttar 110383 whole exercise is to allow your left brain and right brain to work together (to coordinaterepparttar 110384 analytical andrepparttar 110385 creative).

5. Draw another circle and write downrepparttar 110386 word or phrase insiderepparttar 110387 circle that has popped into your mind.

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