How 2 quarrelling kids helped invent the Better Behavior Wheel

Written by Julie Butler

When David was nine and Laura was twelve,repparttar battles started.

Prior to that, they got along great. Laura was always protective of her little brother, and he in turn, doted on her.

Perhaps it was about needing space, asserting independence…whateverrepparttar 111462 reason, it drove my husband and I crazy. It would start overrepparttar 111463 tiniest of excuses. One minuterepparttar 111464 house would be quiet, andrepparttar 111465 next they'd be shouting at one another.

"Mom, Laura won't give my CD back!"

"It's not yours. It's mine!"

"No it isn't. I got it for Christmas!"

"No you didn't. I did!"

And on and on it would go. Until, finally, one of us would have to intervene. And there would be a truce…sort of. At least untilrepparttar 111466 next blowup.

We hatedrepparttar 111467 atmosphere of tension that would invariably follow these exchanges. Our once happy home was being turned into a war zone, and it felt like there were land mines scattered beneath our feet.

One night, in desperation, we had a conference. We called repparttar 111468 kids intorepparttar 111469 living room and told them how upsetting their behavior was. We asked them for suggestions on how we could restore peace and serenity back intorepparttar 111470 family.

Off to their rooms

Well, we didn't resolve anything onrepparttar 111471 spot. We sent them to their rooms with instructions to each come up with a half dozen appropriate consequences that we could imposerepparttar 111472 next time they had a fight.

The following day we were presented with a list of consequences from each. Some even looked pretty good. Examples: Cleanrepparttar 111473 other person's room; Do dishes forrepparttar 111474 other person; Makerepparttar 111475 other person's bed for a week; Lend your favorite CD or game torepparttar 111476 other person for a week; Make a list of 10 good things aboutrepparttar 111477 other person; Hug and make up….

We decided to arrangerepparttar 111478 consequences aroundrepparttar 111479 perimeter of a board, and then we attached a spinner inrepparttar 111480 middle. When you gave it a spin,repparttar 111481 spinner would eventually stop and point to one ofrepparttar 111482 consequences. Then we hungrepparttar 111483 board up inrepparttar 111484 kitchen, in plain sight. We crossed our fingers, and waited.

And waited.

It was amazing. Justrepparttar 111485 presence ofrepparttar 111486 board, hanging on our kitchen wall, had an instant calming effect onrepparttar 111487 atmosphere in our home. Occasionally we'd see one ofrepparttar 111488 kids standing in front ofrepparttar 111489 board, idly flickingrepparttar 111490 spinner, checking it out. Butrepparttar 111491 fighting had stopped.

Well not forever. It took about ten days before they forgot aboutrepparttar 111492 board and peace was shattered by another battle.

We were ready.

We called them both intorepparttar 111493 kitchen, tookrepparttar 111494 board down offrepparttar 111495 wall, and placed it onrepparttar 111496 table. They knew what they had to do. How could they refuse? They choserepparttar 111497 consequences. They practically inventedrepparttar 111498 board. It landed onrepparttar 111499 most dreaded consequence of all: Hug and make up!

The tension was broken as they awkwardly gave each other a hug, mumbling apologies. We all had a good laugh, and life resumed.

Maybe we're on to something

The Secret To Success In Courtship And Marriage, Sex And Happiness. (Part 1)

Written by Arthur Zulu

 In a high-divorce society, not only are more unhappy marriages likely to end in divorce, but in addition, more marriages are likely to become unhappy. -- COUNCIL ON FAMILIES IN AMERICA. 

When Japanese government officials conceived building an airport in Narita, little did they know thatrepparttar airport will later come to be associated with divorce. Evenrepparttar 111461 engineers and architects who dreamt uprepparttar 111462 plan, forgot to dream about wedlocks and goodbyes. Morpheus,repparttar 111463 god of dreams, did not remember it to them.

Now,repparttar 111464 term, Narita divorce has been coined forrepparttar 111465 newlyweds who on arrival at Narita Airport after a honeymoon, immediately head torepparttar 111466 court to file divorce papers. Bad word!

Marriages have been known to hitrepparttar 111467 rocks,repparttar 111468 night afterrepparttar 111469 weeding day. Some may wait to happen afterrepparttar 111470 birth ofrepparttar 111471 first child, while others may choose to divorce after their golden jubilee.

The story of broken marriages -- marital bliss turned marital misery, is worldwide. And this is happening despite an army of psychologists, psychiatrists, clergymen and other counselors offering advice on marriage, including a horde of publications onrepparttar 111472 subject. People have even written best-sellers, offering advice on broken families. Ask Inyanla Vanzant,repparttar 111473 author ofrepparttar 111474 book, YESTERDAY I CRIED.

Lets get some statistics. Britain hasrepparttar 111475 highest divorce rate in Europe (4 out of 10 marriages), Canada and Japan (1 out of 3 marriages), Zimbabwe (2 out of every 5 marriage) and Spain (1 out of 8 marriages.) Also in Australia, divorce rates has quadrupled sincerepparttar 111476 1980s, and inrepparttar 111477 United States and other lands, teenage mothers, and children born out of wedlock, has been onrepparttar 111478 rise.

In other countries, like Germany,repparttar 111479 traditional family has totally been abandoned. In that country, single persons and individuals account for a majority ofrepparttar 111480 families. And in France, people are marrying less, and divorcing more.

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