Hot Penny Stock ........ day trading hot penny stock pick s

Written by Mark Alexander

Trading penny stocks can be very profitable but you have to be careful. The stock market doesn't care if you are experienced or a newbie stocktrader. The rules andrepparttar trading opportunities arerepparttar 140222 same for every one at any time, so either youre going to make money when you make a trade or you are going to lose some of it in favor ofrepparttar 140223 more seasoned stock traders.

As a penny stock trader your homework is all about studying and testing different online trading strategies that can help you pick and take advantage of hot penny stocks and atrepparttar 140224 same time protect your gains. Just always keep in mind that a good penny stock trading system is simple and practical. Complicated stock trading systems will always make you slow in your decision making process or confuse you fromrepparttar 140225 start.

There are some very good small cap and penny stock trading information websites where you can access practical online trading strategies that are easy to implement. One of those sites is Profit From Penny Stocks

Debt a Glossary of Terms

Written by 1st Finance Guide

Bankruptcy - Having been legally declared financially insolvent. There are two types of bankruptcy - liquidation, in which your debts are cleared (discharged) and reorganization, in which you providerepparttar court with a plan for how you intend to repay your debts.

Collateral - Property acceptable as security for a loan or other obligation.

Collection Agency - A company hired by a creditor to collect a debt that it is owed.

Contract - An agreement between two or more parties, usually written down and enforceable by law .

Cosigner - To endorse (another's signature), as a loan agreement, lease or credit application. Ifrepparttar 140210 primary debtor does not pay,repparttar 140211 cosigner is fully responsible forrepparttar 140212 loan or debt.

Credit Bureau - An organization to which business firms apply for credit information on prospective customers.

Credit Report -An account of your credit history, prepared by a credit bureau. A credit report will contain credit history, such as what you owe to whom and whether you makerepparttar 140213 payments on time, as well as personal history, such as your former addresses, employment record and any lawsuits in which you have been involved.

Creditor - A person or entity (such as a bank) to whom a debt is owed.

Debtor - A person or entity (such as a bank) who owes money.

Debt to Income Ratio - Most mortgage lenders use this ratio to analyze your financial well-being. It is figured by using your monthly debt divided by your monthly income. The lowerrepparttar 140214 percentagerepparttar 140215 better your financial picture. This is often referred to as credit worthiness.

Default - To fail to pay money when it is due. A default on a mortgage or loan takes place when you fail to makerepparttar 140216 loan payments on time, fail to maintain adequate insurance or violate some other provision of your agreement withrepparttar 140217 mortgage / loan company.

Discharge (of debts) - A court's writing of offrepparttar 140218 debts of a person or business that has filed for bankruptcy.

Dischargeable Debts - Debts that can be erased by going through bankruptcy.

Down Payment - A cash payment made by a buyer when they purchase a property.

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