Horse Training For Napping Horses

Written by Andy Curry

© 2004 Andy Curry All Rights Reserved

If you ever rode a horse that would stop and refuse to go forward then you would know how absolutely annoying it is.

Why do they stop? Because that's their reaction to a worrisome or unpleasant situation. Even nervous and timid horses can stake themselves torepparttar ground because they are apprehensive about leavingrepparttar 125772 herd orrepparttar 125773 barn.

What other reasons are there for napping? One isrepparttar 125774 horse simply doesn't know what to do. They'd rather stop and stand than move forward. If your horse naps in a place he's familiar with (ie. your home area) then you should check your tack for things like a bad fitting saddle. The pain could finally become unbearable andrepparttar 125775 horse simply won't move.

Often, horses will react to bad fitting tack by rearing or bucking. So when tack is bad fitting, napping is a pretty good alternative compared to rearing or bucking.

Another place a horse may nap is riding around an unfamiliar area. If he naps during this then it's likely he's doing it out of fear. The same can be true if he sees unfamiliar objects.

A secret tip about nappers is to closely observe where they're napping. If you find they get nappy around certain things then you might spot a pattern. For instance, every time your horse rides by a hay tarp and he stops then that is likely your culprit. But it could be lots of different things. It could be bushes. Trees. Dog pens. Etc.

When trying to solve napping from fear, you should takerepparttar 125776 approach when working with a spooking horse. A horse that spooks needs to be treated kindly. He shouldn't be forced into stepping over his "fear boundary". You have to talk to them, pet them, and be patient.

It just so happens that this is one ofrepparttar 125777 easiest and most effective ways to solverepparttar 125778 napping problem. The tradeoff is that it also takesrepparttar 125779 most time. But so what? Horse training is about patience.

Horse Training Voice Commands

Written by Andy Curry

© 2004 Andy Curry All Rights Reserved

Torepparttar uninitiated, voice commands forrepparttar 125771 horse are nothing more than words. But torepparttar 125772 horse they are only sounds.

Obviously, horses cannot speak our language. Since they cannot speak our language we should think through what we say to them when we want certain responses from them.

Takerepparttar 125773 word "whoa" for instance. I have no doubt this isrepparttar 125774 most abused word inrepparttar 125775 human/horse language. Whenrepparttar 125776 rider says "whoa" thenrepparttar 125777 horse should know to stop.

Butrepparttar 125778 problem is this. Oftenrepparttar 125779 word "whoa" is said whenrepparttar 125780 rider wantsrepparttar 125781 horse to slow down...not stop. Before you know it,repparttar 125782 rider has conditionedrepparttar 125783 horse to slow down atrepparttar 125784 word "whoa" instead of stopping. Thenrepparttar 125785 rider can't understand whyrepparttar 125786 "stupid" horse won't stop when he says "whoa!".

Telling your horse a command when you mean for it to do something else is lying to your horse. You never lie to your horse becauserepparttar 125787 results you get will not be what you want. Jesse Beery, a famous horse trainer fromrepparttar 125788 1800's, knew this well and wasrepparttar 125789 first to say "don't lie to your horse".

Thus, when you say "whoa" to your horse, you must only say it because you want to stop...not slow down.

Also, when using voice commands be sure to use simple words with as few syllables as possible.

Thus, if you want a horse to back up then say "back". If you want him to walk then say "walk". If you want him to trot then say "trot".

Next, when using voice commands be sure to associate an action withrepparttar 125790 command. For instance, let's say you're teaching your horse to gallop atrepparttar 125791 command "gallop". So while inrepparttar 125792 round pen you use one of your aids to teach him to gallop. So first you say "gallop" then bring inrepparttar 125793 aid to motivate his movement to a higher speed.

If you want to teach your horse to walk then start your horse aroundrepparttar 125794 pen inrepparttar 125795 opposite direction from which you taught him to gallop. When he's gone around several times, stop him, and pet him. If he goes too fast userepparttar 125796 word "walk" and have him go slower by making a slight move torepparttar 125797 front of him.

Lastly, I'm a big advocate of being careful how you talk to your horse.

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