Honeybee Propolis: Good for Bees and Good for You

Written by John Dawson

What's propolis? In recent years, much scientific research has gone intorepparttar amazing health-enhancing benefits of honeybee propolis, a completely natural substance which benefitsrepparttar 143196 human immune system and even helps to fight cancer.

The major benefit of propolis is that it is strongly antiseptic and antiviral; bees make it to seal their hives and protect them from disease. It works. Scientists claim that bees keep their hives more sterile than hospital operating theatres, because of propolis. Bees are doing something right to ensure their survival, becauserepparttar 143197 energetic little creatures have been found fossilized in amber millions of years old.

To make propolis, bees harvest resinous sap from selected trees, then mixrepparttar 143198 resin with other plant substances and beeswax. They line their hives with this blend, ensuring that no microbes, bacteria or viruses can infectrepparttar 143199 hive.

Propolis contains a bonanza of some 180 natural compounds. These include terpenes, widely used for medicinal purposes, benzoic acid, a natural preservative, and caffeic acid, currently being studied for its anti-tumour properties. Propolis also contains flavonoids.

Good things in propolis

Propolis contains medicinal terpenes The medicinal benefits of terpenes have been known for centuries. Terpenes are widely found in nature. Menthol, for example, is a terpene which is isolated from various varieties of mints like spearmint and peppermint. Menthol gives topical pain relief and is also antipuretic – that is, it relieves itching. Taxol is a diterpene which is isolated fromrepparttar 143200 bark ofrepparttar 143201 Pacific yew; it is widely used as an anticancer drug.

Propolis contains caffeic acid: a cancer fighter In tissue cultures, caffeic acid inhibitsrepparttar 143202 development of human breast cancer cells, and of melanoma skin cancer cells. Many different studies have confirmed this response to caffeic acid. The medical journal, Cancer Research, has proposed thatrepparttar 143203 caffeic acids in propolis could even help to prevent colon cancer, because in experiments, propolis stoppedrepparttar 143204 formation of cancerous growths in rats which had been exposed to carcinogens. Much study continues to be done with caffeic acid and propolis.

Summer Skin Blues!

Written by Audrey King

Prevent Summer Skin Blues!

©Audrey King “Our Perfect Scents” http://www.ourperfectscents.com/audreyk

Sunlight, heat and chemical ingredients from your body products! It's quite a dangerous mixture topping your skin. I learned in science lab,way back when, to be especially careful of chemicals and heat exposure.

Getrepparttar picture?

Simply bathing on a daily basis will not help.

Skin needs to be nourished and revitalized even when you're not outside. Drinking plenty of water is a big factor in healthy skin and of course your sun block when outside.

But what aboutrepparttar 143195 soap, shampoo and lotions you apply to your body everyday?

You have to do it. You want to do it. So do it right with naturally nourishing bath and spa products!

“Our Perfect Scents” offers a wide variety of fragrances for all of your bath and body needs, for halfrepparttar 143196 cost of famous brand names. You can even invent your own personal scent at no extra cost. Imagine how your friends will envy you!

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