Honey, Rich Is Better

Written by Yolanda Shoshana

"I've been rich and I've been poor. Believe me, honey, rich is better” -Sophie Tucker

Statistics show that a majority of women to do not start to think about their personal finances and investing until their late forties afterrepparttar death of a partner.

It is time for women to get a financial life. It does not matter what financial situation you are in atrepparttar 130657 moment, stop telling yourself you will think about your finances later. If you are single,repparttar 130658 man of your dreams may not come along on a white horse holding a big fat wallet. If you are married, do you know whererepparttar 130659 money is going?

Relax Yourself – You Deserve It!

Written by Wendy Y. Bailey

Daily relaxation reduces frustration, stress and anxiety. It also offers you at least seven opportunities to unwind and escape fromrepparttar speed of everyday life. Once you get started, you may find it easier to relax in other ways duringrepparttar 130655 day or week.

Here are just a few ideas to get you started:

Sunday – Immerse Yourself in a Healing Bath. Most herbs and scented oils have healing properties. Drop lemon and orange peels in your bath to eliminate toxins and create an exhilarating experience. Enjoyrepparttar 130656 fragrance in your bath and watchrepparttar 130657 healing begin.

Monday – Cherish your theme song. The music and lyrics of your theme song fit exactly where you want to be in life. It expresses who you are or who you choose to be. Don’t miss this opportunity to sing or hum your treasured theme song…everyone should have one.

Tuesday – Surrender to a lotion bath. From head to toe, massage your body with your favorite body butter or creme. For relief from anxiety, depression and stress, blend 12 drops of jasmine oil into an ounce of unscented jojoba or hazelnut oil. Nurturerepparttar 130658 skin you’re in.

Wednesday – Experience an “I’m Brilliant” moment (or two). Sit quietly and think about all of your accomplishments (great and small) forrepparttar 130659 week. Congratulate yourself. Find ways to mentally celebrate your successes. Boost your self-esteem and find your place of triumph inrepparttar 130660 midst ofrepparttar 130661 madness.

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