Homemaking Journals

Written by Dionna Sanchez

I am so excited aboutrepparttar idea of creating a Homemaking Journal to pass down to my daughters. It is something that was actually created centuries ago. Homemaking Journals were actually passed down through family generations inrepparttar 111599 "olden days." It is a journal where you record in one place all things related to homemaking. All ofrepparttar 111600 things special to you, traditions you have instilled, secrets, tips and more. Here are some ideas if you would like to start one in your family. You can pick and choose any ofrepparttar 111601 following to include in your Homemaking Journal or include them all if you wish!

~Recipes (especially beloved Family recipes that have been in your family for years.)

~Inspirational Poems, quotes, Bible Verses or excerpts that inspire you in your love for family, home and homemaking.

~Tips, tricks, hints and ideas that aid you on a daily basis in helping your home to run smoothly.

~Home Schooling Information - if relevant.

~Health and First Aid Remedies and Tricks

~Ideas and tips for Emergency Preparedness

~List of Birthdates and Anniversaries

Are You Raising A Complainer?

Written by Dionna Sanchez

People hate to wait. Have you noticed that? We hate to wait in lines. We don't like to wait for our meals. We get angry about slow cars in front of us onrepparttar road and so much more. This tendency of wanting things "now" has caused us to become complainers. We feel "entitled" to things when we have not earned them. And most of all, we are teaching our children to be complainers. They grumble over bad grades when they didn't do their homework. Or, they want "rewards" in order to be motivated. I sure don't want to allow this type of society to take me and turn me into a complainer. I don't want my children to learn to be selfish and demanding. I know that there are so many families searching and seeking to bring patience, compassion, joy and sensitivity back into their homes. Are you one of these families? How can you raise grounded children in our "give me" type of world? I'll tell you. You do it by withholding things from your children. Let them earn that new puppy by working for it instead of just giving it to them. Teach

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