Home Remedies for Younger Skin: Look younger with these natural remedies and tips

Written by Reno Charlton

When we are younger, we all believe that we will have young, supple skin forever. That’s why it comes as something of a shock when we look inrepparttar mirror one day and seerepparttar 114445 appearance ofrepparttar 114446 first fine line or wrinkle, which then seems to rapidly spread acrossrepparttar 114447 face. There are many things that can contributerepparttar 114448 appearance of wrinkles, lines, blotches and other blemishes. Firstly, of course, it is a natural process for aging skin because as we grow older our skin elasticity gets weaker so it is harder forrepparttar 114449 skin to spring back into place. Other factors can include:

• Smoking • Unprotected sun exposure (UV rays) • Stress • Poor facial/skin care

No matter how old we are, we all want to enjoyrepparttar 114450 benefits of healthy skin – that’s whyrepparttar 114451 anti aging skincare industry has become a multi-billion dollar one. The good news is that you can use natural skin care combined with a change in lifestyle to improverepparttar 114452 texture, tone, and feel of your skin, and to reduce lines and wrinkles that can make your skin look aged.

Home remedies and a healthy lifestyle can help you feel and look younger

We’ve all heard of ‘old wives tales’ and many people treat them with severe skepticism. But, asrepparttar 114453 saying goes, there is no smoke without fire, and many ofrepparttar 114454 home remedies that are regarded as old wives tales really do have substance to them. You can look young without having to refinance your home by using some of these incredibly simple methods.

Apple Juice You can treat fine lines, fine wrinkles, and cracked skin by applyingrepparttar 114455 juice of green apples to your face each day. You should leaverepparttar 114456 juice on for around ten to fifteen minutes each day before rinsing off. This is one of those home remedies that can help you to look younger and add a real zing to your day. The aroma and zest ofrepparttar 114457 apples will put a spring in your step whilerepparttar 114458 juices get to work on your skin.

Pineapple If you want another fruity way to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, you can userepparttar 114459 juice orrepparttar 114460 core of a fresh pineapple. Applyrepparttar 114461 juice either by hand or by rubbingrepparttar 114462 core over your face, and leave it on for ten to fifteen minutes. You can enjoyrepparttar 114463 tropical aroma of this home remedy whilerepparttar 114464 pineapple juice helps to improverepparttar 114465 tone and texture of your skin, enabling you to feel fresh and look younger.

Nourishing face mask If you want to enjoy a more luxurious home remedy, you can make up your own face mask. This will leave your skin feeling supple and revitalized, and can help you to look younger by replenishing your skin. You simply combine a couple of tablespoons of natural whole yogurt with a tablespoon of pure liquid honey. You then squeeze in some cucumber juice and giverepparttar 114466 whole mixture a good stir. Chillrepparttar 114467 mixture inrepparttar 114468 fridge for a short while (you don’t want to get it too cold, but refrigerating it for a short while will help to ‘set’ it so that it won’t slide off your face). Applyrepparttar 114469 mixture to your face liberally, lie back, pop a couple of cucumber slices onto your eyes to soothe them, and simple relax for about fifteen minutes.

Afterwards, rinserepparttar 114470 facemask off your face and pat dry. You can then moisturize your face, and you should be left with smoother, softer, and suppler skin. You can do this once or twice a week to help keep your skin nourished and replenished.

Cucumber If you are having problems with discolored age spots, you may find that cucumber juice is very effective in bleaching out these age spots. Simply combine cucumber juice with water (one tbsp of juice to two tbsp of water), and apply torepparttar 114471 affected areas twice daily. Dabrepparttar 114472 solution on inrepparttar 114473 morning and at night, and allow to dry onrepparttar 114474 affected area.

Papaya Juice This fruit contains an enzyme that can remove dead surface skin. So, if you have rough skin or blemishes, fresh papaya juice rubbed intorepparttar 114475 skin can removerepparttar 114476 affected skin and leave you with softer, smoother skin.

The Best Carbs For Low Carbers

Written by Jun Lim

Withrepparttar popularity of low carb diets such as Atkins, The Zone, and South Beach, more and more people are becoming aware ofrepparttar 114444 bad effects torepparttar 114445 body of too much carbohydrate consumption. As people try to cut down on their carb intake, it should be noted that not all carbs are created equal.

In a nutshell, there are two kinds of carbohydrates, simple and complex. Some refer to them as bad and good carbs, fast and slow digestion carbs and other possibly confusing lingo. Here’srepparttar 114446 scoop.

SIMPLE CARBS are those carbohydrates that are most often have low nutrient content and have high glycemic index such as white bread, cookies, pastries, candies, and sodas. They are quick to digest and can cause blood sugar to soar then fall dramatically within a short span of time. In order to keeprepparttar 114447 body running more healthy and stable, health advisors recommend that these types of foods be limited.

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