Home Electronics: The Facts About Plasma TV

Written by Simon Canfield

Not so many years ago, homes acrossrepparttar country watched their favorite TV shows on a bulky floor model that took awhile to warm up before you could seerepparttar 137722 picture, didn’t offer anything inrepparttar 137723 way of remote control manipulation and offered a washed out image onrepparttar 137724 TV’s cathode ray tube hosted screen...and folks were thrilled to have such marvelous technology in their midst. Today, all of that’s been changed, withrepparttar 137725 introduction of plasma TV.

Instead of trekking torepparttar 137726 local theater to catch a favorite flick, those who own a plasma TV can get pretty muchrepparttar 137727 same experience in their own homes. Ifrepparttar 137728 thought of shelling outrepparttar 137729 amount of money that one of these sets costs makes you flinch, think of how much you’d be spending to buy movie tickets, and your perspective will change. If you multiplyrepparttar 137730 number of movies that you’ll watch on your plasma set by $8.00 (the average price of a movie ticket these days), you’ll see thatrepparttar 137731 set will quickly pay for itself. Even if your purchase price was $4300 for a 50” widescreen model, you’d see a profit after just about 538 movies were viewed – watching two movies per day, then, would have you realizing a profit after about 9 months. When you factor inrepparttar 137732 cost of popcorn and a drink, you’ll be seeing a profit a lot quicker than that.

Known for their magnificent color, clarity and brightness, plasma TVs come in a variety of sizes – from 37” to over 60”. Instead ofrepparttar 137733 bulky floor models of yesterday,repparttar 137734 plasma TVs of today are as thin as 3.25” – demanding far less accommodation for depth – and can be mounted onrepparttar 137735 wall. This helps to provide a true theater experience withoutrepparttar 137736 need for a lot of bulky hardware cluttering up repparttar 137737 room.

Consumer Electronic Information: The Basics of the DLP Projector

Written by Simon Canfield

Projectors have come a long way inrepparttar past few decades. The desktop fossils that were once used to show home movies or classroom filmstrips are a thing ofrepparttar 137721 past. With today’s technology, you can now experience a projected movie that emulates a full-blown theater flick, withoutrepparttar 137722 time, effort and hassle of standing in line atrepparttar 137723 local cinema.

DLP projectors – also known as Digital Light Processing projectors – have broughtrepparttar 137724 proverbial silver screen to repparttar 137725 home front. The fact that some theaters actually use this type of technology for feature movie projection makes this truer than you might imagine. After being digitally converted and placed on an optical disk – much inrepparttar 137726 same way as DVD technology is produced –repparttar 137727 images are fed intorepparttar 137728 projector and sent torepparttar 137729 movie screen. The main difference is that DLP projectors offer a high definition experience, as opposed to that of a DVD. The result is a picture that very nearly rivalsrepparttar 137730 quality of a 70mm projection, but withoutrepparttar 137731 imperfections.

The color accuracy ofrepparttar 137732 DLP system is outstanding, with an end result that beats LCD technology. Some ofrepparttar 137733 advantages that make a DLPrepparttar 137734 projector of choice are its low power consumption, compactness, micro-mirror construction (which is responsible forrepparttar 137735 high level screen resolution), high contrast and brightness. All in all, this isrepparttar 137736 closest that anyone can come to having a bona fide cinema withinrepparttar 137737 confines of their home.

With every set of pros, you’ll always find some cons lurking inrepparttar 137738 shadows. Such isrepparttar 137739 case withrepparttar 137740 DLP projector. For those who are particularly sensitive to certain visual effects,repparttar 137741 DLP design produces a type of “rainbow effect,” which could serve as a distraction when looking from one side ofrepparttar 137742 screen torepparttar 137743 other during viewing. This will play out as a brief splash of colors, which is simply a result ofrepparttar 137744 type of technology that’s used inrepparttar 137745 production ofrepparttar 137746 DLP. Most people don’t even notice this color display, but those who are in tune to that sort of thing may see it as an annoyance.

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