An interesting technique to earn some cash working at home is to participate on Paid Online Surveys.The system is quite easy and ideal for single moms or dads, or everybody who have a good use of some extra cash in month.
------------------------------ Needed Experience ------------------------------ None, you just need to be a normal consumer who watchs TV, gooes shopping, makes vacations, drives a car , uses consumer electronics and so on. It is also useful to know Cinema program and read newspapers.
---------------------------- Needed Equipment ---------------------------- You will need a normal PC with Internet Connection. You should be familiar with basic internet applications. The Earning Potential depends on Survey, you can earn from $5 till $250 per Survey. If you specialized yourself in niche areas (sophisticated consumer electronics,medicine) you can get top payments for 10-15 minutes survey.
------------------------------- Needed Initial Investment ------------------------------- Usually you need an initial investment of about $35 as one time payment. Most of Paid Survey Research Companies offer also free bonuses (i.e. 3 days free vacation), so initial investment is minimal. After 2-5 surveys initial fee is earned quickly.
----------------------------- Where to start? ----------------------------- There are several Survey Companies in market. The procedure is almost same, so differences are entry fee, free bonuses and reputation of company.
------------------------------------ Paid Surveys Providers ------------------------------------
Survey Platinum Earning Potential from $5 to $250 per survey/focus group
Survey Scout Earning potential from $5 to $75, focus groups earn up to $150 per hour.
Survey Juntion Can earn from $25-$99 for online suveys, up to $200 for participation in Focus Groups.