Home-Based Business Opportunities 2004 by BB Lee(C)2004(updated)
Your Best Opportunity For Home-Based Business Success Might Be Right Before Your Eyes!
It might even be a task you perform everyday!
Where Do I Begin: You want to start your own home-based business but you don't know what kind of business to start. The answer to your question might be very obvious!
Consider This: Your best opportunity for home-based business success might be a skill you perform everyday around
house. Perhaps you are a good cook. Consider starting a catering service.
You take care of children or elderly parents. You could start an elder care or children's day care center.
Friends say you have a green thumb. Not
Jolly Green Giant kind, but you are a great gardener. Ever thought about starting a landscaping business? Or growing exotic house plants?
Perhaps sewing is your hobby. You could specialize in tailoring. Or sewing outfits for children. Sewing designer curtains, cushions.
One woman in California turned her sewing hobby into a profitable business by creating patterns and sewing unique hand bags.
Are you good with a paint brush, hammer and nails. Hire yourself out in your neighborhood as a professional repair person.
Maybe, you are a whiz with computers and surf
Internet for fun. Do you realize a large market exist for an eager entrepreneur to train people in setting up their computers, getting on
Internet. Along with teaching email skills, downloading, web page building, setting up accounts with web host. These are skills you might find simple enough, but are very perplexing to newbies.
Are you great at throwing together a children's birthday party? Or are you
life of
party? Performing, telling jokes, making funny animal balloons? One young female friend of mine used her offbeat humor to start a traveling clown business, specializing in children's birthday parties.
Did you help a friend arrange a wedding celebration? Wedding Consultants are in high demand across
country. This would be a very lucrative business venture. One easily started out of your home.
Perhaps you worked in an office performing basic secretarial skills. Why not start a home typing service. You could specialize in one area-target college students, typing their terms papers. Or target recent graduates, typing resume's, cover letters. The point is that it is conceivable that
same tasks you perform everyday for your family or employer could be turned into a very profitable home-based business venture.