Holistic Junction's Featured School of the Week: Oriental Healing Arts Institute in Colorado

Written by C. Bailey-Lloyd/LadyCamelot

Holistic Junction's Featured School ofrepparttar Week: Oriental Healing Arts Institute in Colorado by C. Bailey-Lloyd (Email: ladycamelot@holisticjunction.com)

Holistic Junction's featured school ofrepparttar 109237 week is Oriental Healing Arts Institute - 'trainingrepparttar 109238 hands that heal.' Conveniently situated in central Denver, Colorado,repparttar 109239 Oriental Healing Arts Institute offers a Chinese Medical Massage program that has been personally developed by Dr. Zhizhong Nan.

Oriental Healing Arts Institute of Colorado's therapeutic massage course is unique and separate from other forms of massage curriculumns, as their Denver massage school includes natural healing training and instruction by expertly trained faculty that are not only highly skilled but also educated in both Eastern and Western forms of healing techniques.

Oriental Healing Arts Institute includes instruction in Anatomy and Physiology, Kinesiology, Pathology, CPR, Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue, TuiNa, Eastern Massage, Tai Ji, Hydrotherapy and much more.

Limiting class size to 12, Oriental Healing Arts Institute provides an incredible opportunity for individualized attention and productive educational progress in a hands-on learning environment.

The Oriental Healing Arts Institute continually achieves and exceeds their teaching mission through maintainingrepparttar 109240 following objectives:

" *To develop a modern, expanded definition of massage as a body and mind energetic, integrative approach that unites physical and behavioral perspectives on human health and related dysfunctions.

*To groundrepparttar 109241 educational programs ofrepparttar 109242 school in a competency-based model where experience through hands-on instruction comes first.

*To train students in various styles of classical and modern massage techniques, as well as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practices.

*To create a learning environment which gives students an expansive pool of health-giving knowledge through exposure to master senior practitioners that are trained in East Asian, European and North American medical traditions.

*To educate students inrepparttar 109243 integration of various massage treatments to facilitate and maintain a patient's wellness of body and mind.

A Different Light Shed on the Insurance Industry

Written by Jordan Walt

There’s a relatively unknown market inrepparttar insurance industry that consumers need to know about. This is a market where a single agent can offer you multiple choices from multiple companies. This isrepparttar 109236 independent insurance agency market. When you have an independent agent (IA) who you know and trust, you shouldn’t have to find a new agent again. As an IA you haverepparttar 109237 ability to “shop” a customer with numerous insurance companies, finding themrepparttar 109238 best rate and coverage, so they don’t have to. Imagine what happensrepparttar 109239 next timerepparttar 109240 renewal comes on your insurance andrepparttar 109241 premium is suddenly $500 higher than it was before. With an IA, all you need to do is call. They haverepparttar 109242 ability to try and find a similar policy with another company; you haven’t changed agents, given personal information to strangers, or gone throughrepparttar 109243 monotonous task of shopping your insurance. Instead, you left it to an expert. Depending onrepparttar 109244 size ofrepparttar 109245 agency you are dealing with, they may represent over 20 different companies. This means you no longer have to go online and fill inrepparttar 109246 boxes, deal with 1-800 numbers, or “call-around” to different agents, each with one company to choose from. Why have so few people heard of this market? While these companies do represent multimillion-dollar organizations, and some ofrepparttar 109247 largest organizations inrepparttar 109248 world (i.e. AIG and Zurich),repparttar 109249 majority of these agencies are smaller companies, not havingrepparttar 109250 resources to launch advertising campaigns torepparttar 109251 mainstream market via television, radio, and other forms of media advertising.

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