Holiness to Pentecost

Written by Terry Dashner

“From Holiness to Pentecost”

Inrepparttar postscript of his book entitled, A Survey of 20th-Century Revival Movements in North America, Richard M. Riss makesrepparttar 126665 following comments:

A resurgence of Evangelical Christianity has been coming about in America sincerepparttar 126666 late 1940s…Ifrepparttar 126667 current resurgence continues, it will provide a milieu conducive torepparttar 126668 incidence of an awakening of far greater statistical significance and considerably more extensive societal impact thanrepparttar 126669 earlier revivals of this century…

Should God raise up sufficient intercessors for revival, there is a real possibility that a momentous ‘Third Great Awakening,’ not only in North America but throughout all Christendom, will explode onrepparttar 126670 modern scene.

Many are alluding to a spiritual awakening in Christendom. I, for one, agree with Mr. Riss and believe that ministers who are calling for a spiritual awakening, especially in America, are right on with their prophetic insight.

I believe thatrepparttar 126671 coming spiritual awakening in America alone will surpassrepparttar 126672 impact ofrepparttar 126673 American first and second Great Awakening(s) ofrepparttar 126674 18th, 19th, and 20th century revivals. If God can intervene inrepparttar 126675 affairs of man as He has done throughout recorded history, then He will have no problem bringing aboutrepparttar 126676 greatest revival inrepparttar 126677 history of man. I believe this.

In continuing my series entitled, “An Awakening is Coming,” I’d like to concluderepparttar 126678 series by documenting some ofrepparttar 126679 important features ofrepparttar 126680 American Holiness movement that began inrepparttar 126681 middle 19th century, up torepparttar 126682 time when it separated fromrepparttar 126683 Pentecostal movement.

One ofrepparttar 126684 important features aboutrepparttar 126685 American Holiness movement wasrepparttar 126686 foundation it served forrepparttar 126687 revivals ofrepparttar 126688 20th century. It was John Wesley’s teaching on “entire sanctification” that startedrepparttar 126689 American Holiness movement. In simple, Wesley’s doctrine spoke of a divine work ofrepparttar 126690 Holy Spirit inrepparttar 126691 life ofrepparttar 126692 believer, subsequent to salvation. From this teaching came many seekers searching for a greater depth to their salvation experience. Because they came seeking,repparttar 126693 Lord blessed them with much more.

It was during this time that ministries of Divine Healing came into existence. Also at this time Phoebe Palmer,repparttar 126694 wife of a prominent physician in New York and a leading teacher inrepparttar 126695 Holiness movement, labeledrepparttar 126696 doctrine of ‘entire sanctification’ asrepparttar 126697 ‘Baptism ofrepparttar 126698 Holy Ghost.’ It seemsrepparttar 126699 Holiness movement was okay withrepparttar 126700 new Holy Spirit moniker as well as embracing other spin-off movements, which included healing ministries and Pentecostal “experiences,” but whenrepparttar 126701 issue of “tongues” was recognized by Pentecostals asrepparttar 126702 initial evidence of being Baptized inrepparttar 126703 Holy Ghost,repparttar 126704 Holiness movement went its own way.

The American Holiness movement that started inrepparttar 126705 middle 1800s continues to this day but has fractured into various denominations that coverrepparttar 126706 globe.

Another important feature ofrepparttar 126707 American Holiness movement wasrepparttar 126708 number of major revivals that branched from its teachings and continued intorepparttar 126709 20th century. For example,repparttar 126710 Healing revivals ofrepparttar 126711 1940s were rooted inrepparttar 126712 Holiness movement. The 1940s healing revivals brought to prominence men like Evangelists Oral Roberts and TL Osborn. Alsorepparttar 126713 decade spawned other movements likerepparttar 126714 Latter Rain movement and Salvation crusades such asrepparttar 126715 Billy Graham Crusades. It seems that God linked revival movements together, sustainingrepparttar 126716 second Great Awakening in America torepparttar 126717 end ofrepparttar 126718 20th century.

If you remember,repparttar 126719 second Great Awakening started inrepparttar 126720 midnight hour ofrepparttar 126721 1700s, and continued throughrepparttar 126722 19th and 20th century with pocket revivals,repparttar 126723 Holiness movement, and many other works of grace right up torepparttar 126724 end ofrepparttar 126725 20th century.

The 1960s and 1970s wererepparttar 126726 years ofrepparttar 126727 Charismatic Renewal, Jesus Movement, andrepparttar 126728 Word of Faith Movement. Dr. Bill Hamon said recently, while being interviewed on TBN, thatrepparttar 126729 decade ofrepparttar 126730 1950s wasrepparttar 126731 decade ofrepparttar 126732 Evangelist. The decade ofrepparttar 126733 60s wasrepparttar 126734 restoration ofrepparttar 126735 Pastor. The decade ofrepparttar 126736 70s wasrepparttar 126737 restoration ofrepparttar 126738 Teacher. The decade ofrepparttar 126739 80s belonged torepparttar 126740 Prophets andrepparttar 126741 1990srepparttar 126742 Apostle. Now thatrepparttar 126743 Five-fold ministry has been restored to its place inrepparttar 126744 Body,repparttar 126745 new millennium will seerepparttar 126746 ministry ofrepparttar 126747 Saints. The laity will be equipped to dorepparttar 126748 work of ministry.

I believe that God is raising up a united front of believers (no names) and bypassing solo ministers who try to go at it alone, forrepparttar 126749 “Third Great Awakening.” This unified front isrepparttar 126750 laity who will minister in large teams as one, for one purpose.

I believe they are being positioned now byrepparttar 126751 Holy Spirit. The baton is being passed to a new generation of people who will walk under great anointing to preachrepparttar 126752 gospel inrepparttar 126753 “Third Great Awakening.”

Couldrepparttar 126754 third Great Awakening come inrepparttar 126755 beginning ofrepparttar 126756 new millennium? It certainly could. The spiritual environment of America is ripe for it. Inrepparttar 126757 past, Awakenings came about asrepparttar 126758 result of widespread spiritual complacency inrepparttar 126759 nation. It appeared that God brought these great movements ofrepparttar 126760 past to ready men’s hearts for coming national tragedies (Revolutionary war, War of 1812, Civil War, WWI, WWII, and etc.). The 20th century was a century of evil and blood shed. It has been said that it wasrepparttar 126761 century ofrepparttar 126762 devil. There were two world wars, many smaller wars, ethnic cleanings in European nations, death and property destruction by race riots in America, an attempt to exterminate an entire race of people by Hitler, and much, much more evil.

No doubt about it,repparttar 126763 century we just left was a nightmare. But one must remember that God was not asleep duringrepparttar 126764 20th century. He raised up a standard againstrepparttar 126765 satanic onslaught ofrepparttar 126766 20th century. During this time, God brought forth some ofrepparttar 126767 greatest movements inrepparttar 126768 history ofrepparttar 126769 church. For example, Evan Roberts inrepparttar 126770 early 1900s cried out for revival in his country of Wales, and God heard him and sent a worldwide explosion. The revival that turned Wales upside down spread to America and wasrepparttar 126771 forerunner torepparttar 126772 Azusa outpouring in Los Angeles, California. Fromrepparttar 126773 Azusa outpouring,repparttar 126774 revival spilled over America and torepparttar 126775 uttermost withrepparttar 126776 Baptism inrepparttar 126777 Holy Spirit.

Moreover, another feature ofrepparttar 126778 American Holiness movement, as it jumped intorepparttar 126779 20th century, wasrepparttar 126780 unique opposition it faced. What am I referring to? I’m referring to an unusual opposition, which can be identified as a particular Western mindset that had been developing sincerepparttar 126781 Renaissance. For example, fromrepparttar 126782 fourth century onward, Western culture as a whole held to a Christian concept that regarded natural disaster, such as earthquakes or floods, as judgments from God. Such calamities were considered a call to all people everywhere to repent from evil and turn to faith in God.

In the Worst of All Places

Written by Terry Dashner

“Inrepparttar Worst of All Places”

You’ve heardrepparttar 126664 saying that truth is stranger than fiction, but have you ever heard that all things are possible to God? I’m sure you have. And I’m sure that you believe it’s a true statement although it might sound like hyperbole. God doesrepparttar 126665 impossible to affirm that He is Sovereign. And because He is Omnipotent, America’s history is sometimes stranger than fiction.

How could a crew of English settlers who had no political ambitions and while living aboard a small ship calledrepparttar 126666 Mayflower write a document that would later seed a national democracy? How could a Native American byrepparttar 126667 name of Squanto, who just happened to speak English, one-day show up and offer his assistance in teachingrepparttar 126668 Pilgrims how to surviverepparttar 126669 new world wilderness? These anomalies speak louder than mere coincidences because ofrepparttar 126670 national impact they had.

Yes, a greater Authority guided America in becoming a world power that has fed, ministered, and helped protectrepparttar 126671 entire world at one time or another in its history. This invisible hand over America, which has led men torepparttar 126672 most unlikely places, is what I wish to speak to you about today.

The Westward Shift

America, America, truly God has poured His grace on you. Althoughrepparttar 126673 colony of Jamestown, Virginia, wasrepparttar 126674 first English settlement inrepparttar 126675 New World, it certainly didn’t haverepparttar 126676 spiritual impact onrepparttar 126677 nation thatrepparttar 126678 Pilgrims and Puritans had. Why? Jamestown was established with commerce in mind. They wanted wealth first and religion second. Not so withrepparttar 126679 Pilgrims and Puritans, they wanted a new Israel, a new Jerusalem where faith in Jesus Christ and His eternal Word would rule throughout their land.

They struggled for this dream and many died, but their blood becamerepparttar 126680 seed that grew to become one nation under God. The Pilgrims actually made a covenant with God to establish His Kingdom inrepparttar 126681 New World. Throughout America’s history in times of its darkest despair, God has remembered that covenant and pulled her up to live again. This is amazing and happened in some very unusual ways.

Up torepparttar 126682 time ofrepparttar 126683 Revolutionary War,repparttar 126684 Appalachian Mountains served asrepparttar 126685 natural western boundary of colonial America, but withrepparttar 126686 signing ofrepparttar 126687 Treaty of Paris in 1783repparttar 126688 British ceded land north and west ofrepparttar 126689 Appalachians to America. It was rich and fertile land and enticed especially New England farmers who had worn outrepparttar 126690 soil of their ancestors.

When Congress adoptedrepparttar 126691 Northwest Ordinance in 1787 which establishedrepparttar 126692 government ofrepparttar 126693 Northwest Territory,repparttar 126694 states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and part of Minnesota were soon to follow. Also some years earlier, Daniel Boone had crossedrepparttar 126695 Cumberland Gap into Kentucky, and stories soon flowed east aboutrepparttar 126696 virgin land with blue grass.

These land opportunities were just too good to pass up, and Americans caughtrepparttar 126697 westward fever. Many historians creditrepparttar 126698 western expansion asrepparttar 126699 most important thing in American history for shapingrepparttar 126700 culture, society, and America’s fierce sense of rugged individualism. You either made it byrepparttar 126701 sweat of your brow,repparttar 126702 toil of your hands, or you simply died out west.

What Kind of Religion

With America moving west,repparttar 126703 concern amongrepparttar 126704 eastern clergy was what would become ofrepparttar 126705 Christian heritage of America. Would American settlers scatter inrepparttar 126706 vast wilderness, cutting themselves off from civilization, and become as heathen asrepparttar 126707 savages whose land they were invading? This was a genuine concern, considering America had been built on Judeo-Christian beliefs. But that was not God’s fear. He had a plan and purpose forrepparttar 126708 western movement, and it soon became apparent. An awakening was coming. It was coming in force and fury, and when it ended (if ever it did end), America would be stronger than ever in its faith in Jesus Christ. This is amazing in how it happened. It started inrepparttar 126709 most unlikely place onrepparttar 126710 face ofrepparttar 126711 earth. It started in Logan County Kentucky.

One ofrepparttar 126712 roughest counties in all Kentucky was Logan County, out inrepparttar 126713 southwest corner. Technically, it was under United States law, even before Kentucky was admitted torepparttar 126714 Union in 1796. The trouble was that no one onrepparttar 126715 frontier was designated to enforcerepparttar 126716 law, withrepparttar 126717 result that, as Congress would state, ‘the immunity which offenders experience attracts as to an asylum,repparttar 126718 most vile and abandoned criminals, and atrepparttar 126719 same time deters useful and virtuous persons from making settlements in such society.’ If you were a horse thief, a robber, a murderer, or just real bad, you were probably in Logan County at this time. And from this very lot of bad bloods, God would later raise up a preacher, saved but just as fearless, to first fight them (literally fight them with his fists) and then win them to Jesus. Truly God works in mysterious ways.

In 1798repparttar 126720 Reverend James McGready, a Scotch-Irish Presbyterian rode in to Logan County. With buckskin pants and plainspoken sermons, he was soon accepted byrepparttar 126721 frontiersmen as one of one their own. God had raised up three small congregations located on three ofrepparttar 126722 rivers in Logan County,repparttar 126723 Muddy,repparttar 126724 Red, andrepparttar 126725 Gasper. McGready asked his parishioners to sign a covenant, agreeing to pray every Saturday night and Sunday morning, devotingrepparttar 126726 third Saturday evening and Sunday morning of each month to fasting and prayer.

Things seemed to get worse instead of better, but McGready encouragedrepparttar 126727 saints to keep praying. Within a year revival began to break out. The records report thatrepparttar 126728 hardest and most vile sinners inrepparttar 126729 community ‘covered their faces and wept bitterly.’ In June of 1800 atrepparttar 126730 quarterly communion services atrepparttar 126731 Red River church, more than 500 hundred people showed up having heard ofrepparttar 126732 earlier conversions. Some of these people had come from as far as 100 miles away from Logan County.

Onrepparttar 126733 last day ofrepparttar 126734 services that had been scheduled,repparttar 126735 Spirit ofrepparttar 126736 Lord floodedrepparttar 126737 place. In a moment’s time,repparttar 126738 floor was ‘covered withrepparttar 126739 slain; their screams for mercy piercedrepparttar 126740 heavens.’ One could see ‘profane swearers and Sabbath-breakers pricked torepparttar 126741 heart and crying ‘What shall we do to be saved?’ Word ofrepparttar 126742 outpouring spread throughoutrepparttar 126743 wilderness like wild fire.

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