Holiday tips & advice - Money saving,packing & more...

Written by Jo Godden

HOLIDAYS - something we all look forward to and something we all feel that we deserve. Of course, some countries realise this and treat their retired folk to a week's holiday, but I can't see it appearing on our country's agenda for a while, can you?

So, what reason do YOU have for not taking that well deserved break? Can't afford it? Remember that old saying - "take care ofrepparttar pennies andrepparttar 150920 pounds will take care of themselves"? Well, although in this modern ‘throw away' society no one appears to be particularly worried about pennies,repparttar 150921 saying is as true today as ever it was. Take an example - when out shopping, how often do we think ‘I need a rest, I'll pop intorepparttar 150922 café for a coffee and perhaps a muffin'? Well, just forego that coffee and muffin every week and atrepparttar 150923 end ofrepparttar 150924 year you have that return flight to say Spain. To this end, half way through shopping I return torepparttar 150925 car not only to drop off my purchases, but to pour myself a coffee from my flask and also to rest and relax whilst listening torepparttar 150926 radio. Alternatively, ifrepparttar 150927 weather is nice, you can enjoy your coffee inrepparttar 150928 fresh air inrepparttar 150929 park. Also, go without just one packet of cigarettes or that takeaway (you'll probably not even noticerepparttar 150930 difference, but your body probably will) and miraculously atrepparttar 150931 end ofrepparttar 150932 year you'll haverepparttar 150933 accommodation as well. Followrepparttar 150934 maxim ofrepparttar 150935 TV beauty advert and think ‘I deserve it'!

So, now we are ready to go on holiday and we come torepparttar 150936 dreaded packing. I'm talking ladies here. (Men don't have a packing problem, do they? - they can pack in 5 minutes flat. After all, there's only a few clothes, money and passport. What'srepparttar 150937 problem?)

Clothes wise - if you want to takerepparttar 150938 minimum, then think basic duo colours, say black and white. It's amazing how you can mix and match and appear to have taken more clothes than you have. Also, basic clothes can be dressed up with a coloured wrap or jewellery asrepparttar 150939 occasion arises, and one stole/wrap can be a shoulder wrap/pillow onrepparttar 150940 plane, a wrap over your swimsuit, or over your dress inrepparttar 150941 evening when perhaps its cooler.

Because I am rather absent minded and can never remember where I have put things when I'm in a different environment, I have simplified my packing using differently coloured plastic bags. Tights, pants, bras, make-up, hair products, etc. all go into separate bags, and then on arrival atrepparttar 150942 holiday hotel, I don't unpackrepparttar 150943 bags but just pop them intorepparttar 150944 drawers relating torepparttar 150945 position on my body, eg tights (feet) would be inrepparttar 150946 bottom drawer and hair products (head) would be inrepparttar 150947 top drawer. (I'm assuming, of course, thatrepparttar 150948 hotel has provided drawers, but, if not, do not despair, just hangrepparttar 150949 labelled carrier bags in order onrepparttar 150950 hangers inrepparttar 150951 wardrobe, or just in case hanging space is limited, take with yourepparttar 150952 plastic hooks to put overrepparttar 150953 doors). The bedside cabinet is reserved for essentials and emergencies, eg medicines, first aid, phone numbers, travel insurance, mobile phone, paper, pens, etc. Also take envelopes, already addressed, forrepparttar 150954 holiday cards you are going to send. I find that envelopes take approx. 3 days to reach this country and cards usually arrive after I have returned from holiday. (Now, if I'm beginning to sound a bit smug with all this efficiency, I'm quickly brought down to earth by rememberingrepparttar 150955 initial horror I felt when after my holiday and returning from a frantic shopping expedition, I found that I had been using carrier bags boldly emblazoned withrepparttar 150956 words ‘PANTS & BRAS'.)

Las Vegas - The Entertainment Capital

Written by Eric Madsen

In my opinion,repparttar Las Vegas area is one ofrepparttar 150919 nicest places inrepparttar 150920 Western US and falling in love with Las Vegas is easy to do. This town is "The Entertainment Capital ofrepparttar 150921 World"repparttar 150922 city welcomes 37.5 million people a year. Visitors love to enjoy dazzling shows, five star hotels, first rate nightclubs, unique shopping experiences, world class gaming, and plenty of Las Vegas coupons.

There is a lot to see and do besides gambling: You can rent a car and visitrepparttar 150923 desert sights, such as Red Rock Canyon and Valley of Fire. A drive from Vegas to Valley of Fire is about 1 hour and you can return via Hoover Dam. This makes for a nice 1/2 to 1 day trip, depending on how long you want to spend inrepparttar 150924 Valley or atrepparttar 150925 Dam. There's Lake Mead, with boat rentals, picnic areas, etc. They also offer raft trips downrepparttar 150926 Colorado River. Mt. Charleston

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