Hitler Was A Catholic?

Written by Robert Bruce Baird

WOTAN: You might say Wagner was an Ultra-Christian and yet his 'Ring' tells ofrepparttar people that also created Valhalla in legend. You have to go on a search as Hitler had his archaeologists do - looking for Agarthe. Thererepparttar 126463 Valkyrie of Wagner speak to channelers or trance orators like Hitler. I will reproduce a poem he wrote after years of study in Vienna where his father had studied near their benefactor and relative named Rothschild. I will try to do in 2,000 words what takes three volumes with lots of quotes and references. The need to play two sides againstrepparttar 126464 middle to keeprepparttar 126465 common people in fear is still part ofrepparttar 126466 Illuminized Skull & Bones agenda to this very day as a War on Terra continues while people argue aboutrepparttar 126467 evils of Islam or Zionists.

Did you know Hitler called himselfrepparttar 126468 torch-bearer of Jesus? He was referring torepparttar 126469 Keltic/Aryan Iesa that Jesus was named after, but he let other people run withrepparttar 126470 idea of his near messianic status for political reasons. Here is a poem he wrote after over five years of study in Vienna where St. Germain and Kaballists reigned supreme. "I often go on bitter nights To Wotan's oak inrepparttar 126471 quiet glade With dark powers to weave a union – The runic letterrepparttar 126472 moon makes with its magic spell And all who are full of impudence duringrepparttar 126473 day Are made small byrepparttar 126474 magic formula."

The Druids could talk to God throughrepparttar 126475 leaves ofrepparttar 126476 oak. This use ofrepparttar 126477 word 'God' is debatable becauserepparttar 126478 Druids or at leastrepparttar 126479 High Druids knew nature and reality was more than just some anthropomorphed God. In this poem we see a man who makes pacts with "dark powers" to make those he meets "full of impudence" into a lesser soul or "made small byrepparttar 126480 magic" he believes he was empowered with throughrepparttar 126481 "runic letter" (Ogham) ofrepparttar 126482 force effects ofrepparttar 126483 moon. The moon has maderepparttar 126484 cycles of emotions andrepparttar 126485 menstrual cycle, it is a powerful cosmic force that those who know how to meditate and direct their own power through or with that ofrepparttar 126486 moon, may achieve great things. The person who wrote this in 1915 clearly had some study inrepparttar 126487 arts of whatrepparttar 126488 Grand Master of Hitler’s Freemasonic Order ofrepparttar 126489 Golden Centurion knew. He was not a real Catholic as historians galore tell us, despiterepparttar 126490 fact that he would say he was. He wasn't even ex-communicated byrepparttar 126491 Pope and a church who studiedrepparttar 126492 man thoroughly. Yes, this Adolf Hitler (Schiklgruber) was more than many give him credit for. Here is a little quote from Hitler to give some insight into how he and Mussolini worked withrepparttar 126493 Vatican. “Secular schools can never be tolerated because such schools have no religious instruction, and a general moral instruction without a religious foundation is built on air; consequently, all character training and religion must be derived from faith… we need believing people.” [Adolf Hitler, April 26, 1933, from a speech made during negotiations leading torepparttar 126494 Nazi-Vatican Concordant of 1933]

When I say Hitler was not a real Catholic, I do so knowing that many Catholic leaders are Luciferians and they are well aware ofrepparttar 126495 ancient Brotherhood andrepparttar 126496 trading secrets or drug-running and other tools used byrepparttar 126497 Merovingian ‘octopus’. At certain periodsrepparttar 126498 battle withinrepparttar 126499 Catholic inner sanctums has been intense as any student who sees how oftenrepparttar 126500 Jesuits were banned or worse, would know. When I first began delving deeply intorepparttar 126501 hegemony I was ofrepparttar 126502 opinion that Constantine deservedrepparttar 126503 Peabody Award for marketing and especially editing. He still does, but he was one ofrepparttar 126504 occultists or esoteric brethren inrepparttar 126505 genetic schooling ofrepparttar 126506 power-brokers going back to at leastrepparttar 126507 time ofrepparttar 126508 ‘Perpetual Sailors’ who met once a year offrepparttar 126509 coast of Miletus shortly afterrepparttar 126510 last major Trojan War which had taken place in 18 other theatres of operation throughoutrepparttar 126511 world.

Nautonnier is a title still used in recent times by these people. It isrepparttar 126512 leader ofrepparttar 126513 Priory of Sion or at leastrepparttar 126514 titular head of it. Nautonnier means pretty muchrepparttar 126515 same thing as Perpetual Sailor. Respected historians like Michael Grant would say this yearly meeting drew togetherrepparttar 126516 most important people or power-brokers ofrepparttar 126517 Anatolian region or maybe also including Greece and some ofrepparttar 126518 nearby islands like Rhodes whererepparttar 126519 Colossus would welcomerepparttar 126520 traders and pirates into its safe harbor. I think these yearly meetings are just likerepparttar 126521 Bilderberg meetings of recent date which are held mostly at Rothschild Hotels from aroundrepparttar 126522 world. The current meetings are arranged by ex-Fed Chairman Paul Volcker’s staff. The Yale influence that includes many CIA or OSS people including Bush number one is credited as having startedrepparttar 126523 Bilderberg group underrepparttar 126524 titular leadership of Prince Bernhard ofrepparttar 126525 Royal family inrepparttar 126526 Netherlands.

Heaven of Heavens (EN TOIS EPOURANIOIS)

Written by Paul Griffitts

This is not any attempt to show off some knowledge of Greek or to be superior in any way. Butrepparttar above expression is found only 5 times inrepparttar 126461 Bible, and all five are found in Ephesians. And since Ephesians opens up a great mystery or secret, we look at every new thing that comes up in order to find light onrepparttar 126462 hope and calling of today.

Four times it is translated, In heavenly places, and once high places. This realm is mentioned in other parts ofrepparttar 126463 Bible, but under different names. Here are a few of them; 1. Heaven of heavens. Deuteronomy 10:14. 2. Far above all. Ephesians 4:10. 3. Holies, Holiest of all. Ephesians 2:19. 4. Glory. Colossians 3:4. By using a concordance, one can findrepparttar 126464 other occurrences of these terms.

This place is notrepparttar 126465 third heaven of 2 Corinthians 12:2 for that heaven does not now exist. It isrepparttar 126466 new heaven of Revelation 21. As you find in Peter's writings, there was a heaven and earth that then were (Genesis 1:1),repparttar 126467 heavens and earth that are now (Genesis 1:6), andrepparttar 126468 heavens and earth to come,repparttar 126469 new ones.

So John was caught up to see something that does not yet exist. We know little aboutrepparttar 126470 heavens above us now, and much less about those that then were.

But our subject isrepparttar 126471 heaven of heavens. As far as we know, no one has ever traveled fromrepparttar 126472 earth into that sphere, exceptrepparttar 126473 Lord Himself. He ascended far above all heavens.

There is no description to be found anywhere of this realm. It is far beyondrepparttar 126474 stars. That would put it many billions of miles away. It would take some time to makerepparttar 126475 trip in earthly physical bodies. The citizenship ofrepparttar 126476 church which isrepparttar 126477 body of Christ is there. Philippians 3:20. And from that homeland, or commonwealth we are to look forrepparttar 126478 Savior, when He appears or shines forth. That isrepparttar 126479 hope ofrepparttar 126480 members ofrepparttar 126481 church which is His body. See Colossians 3:4. Note also Titus 2:13.

It is not hard to discernrepparttar 126482 things that differ, and here is a case that needs that discernment, if one is to rightly dividerepparttar 126483 Word of truth. The millennial kingdom here onrepparttar 126484 earth is not to be compared with this glorious abode of God and of Christ,repparttar 126485 future home ofrepparttar 126486 church.

There is no possible way thatrepparttar 126487 great sermon onrepparttar 126488 mount (Matthew 5-7) could have any relationship with this place far beyondrepparttar 126489 stars. Also, one soon notes that things connected with this hope and sphere have no relationship with things onrepparttar 126490 earth, or any kingdom onrepparttar 126491 earth. You might do well to study these things and then make up your mind which would be preferred as a future hope and abode. Do this in light of Colossians 3:1-4. Set your affection on things above, in en tois epouraniois.

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