History of travel luggage: From the beginning to today!

Written by Christopher Vorelli

Travel luggage is an important part of every traveler’s wardrobe. There are various luggage models, sizes, styles, colors, materials and prices associated withrepparttar luggage currently onrepparttar 145861 market. There are even vintage and collectible luggage pieces available! Whether you are going to be gone for a day, a month or a year, you will most likely need to help of luggage to keep your items together and organized. Travel luggage is designed for professionals, sportsmen, men, women, kids and even animals! There are a ton of models that can be bought today, but inrepparttar 145862 old days,repparttar 145863 choices weren’t as plentiful.

For as long as man has traveled, there has been a need to take items with them. Christopher Columbus would have carried a trunk/chest that housed his clothing and navigation products. In those days,repparttar 145864 trunk wasrepparttar 145865 most popular form of luggage. Made of woods like oak, pine and cedar,repparttar 145866 trunks were fashionable and functional. There were even trunks made of animal hides, like deer, horses and even cows. The materials used for these trunks allowed them to last for a long time. Trunks were even accented with ornaments, like locks and nails; making them even more appealing. The majority of trunks made during this time in history have gone on to become family heirlooms and even collector’s items. Though they are still made,repparttar 145867 trunks have been replaced with suitcases and totes.

Ten Best Backpacking Foods

Written by Steve Gillman

Maybe your favorite backpacking food is a freeze-dried turkey dinner. There really is no "best" backpacking food. There are reasons to bring certain foods, though. Here are ten foods, andrepparttar reasons you might want to consider them.

1. Nuts. This is one ofrepparttar 145804 most calorie-packed foods you can take. That means less weight to carry. With lots of protein and other nutritonal benefits, nuts are one ofrepparttar 145805 best backpacking foods.

2. Olive oil. Add a little to your soups or dip bread in it. The best ofrepparttar 145806 oils health-wise, you can eat it before sleeping, to stay warm, because fats generate heat when digested.

3. Trail mixes. Any mix with raisins and nuts is great for backpacking. Vitamins, minerals, protein, andrepparttar 145807 best reason - convenience.

4. Corn products. Tortilla chips or corn nuts are convenient, and they don't seem to causerepparttar 145808 tiredness that potato chips and other simple carbohydrates can cause.

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