History Channel Conspiracy Featuring Zona

Written by Maricon Williams

Inrepparttar press release entitled Zona Creates Image Spot For History Channel's Conspiracy?, created and produced a :30 image spot posted on December 13, 2004, it embarked uponrepparttar 107465 thought provoking new program - Conspiracy, which is seen every evenings on The History Channel.

ZONA Design was founded in 1999. It is an award winning multi-disciplined design agency creating results driven work that is bold and direct for all points of contact withrepparttar 107466 consumer inrepparttar 107467 general, Hispanic, and youth markets. The company’s portfolio includes high profile projects for Disney/ESPN Networks, AOL Time Warner Networks, 5Boro Skateboards, Discovery Communications, Encore Media Group, Rainbow Media Holdings, Chrysler, Dodge, andrepparttar 107468 various A&E Networks.

“The idea is that conspiracy can happen anywhere, be perpetrated by anyone. I broke downrepparttar 107469 word ‘conspiracy,’ separatingrepparttar 107470 Y, adding a question mark - Why, why, why are there so many unanswered questions. We employed fast cuts, continuously shifting compositions by movingrepparttar 107471 camera on select stills, inrepparttar 107472 process creating a sense of urgency and a feeling of agitation and constant motion. The images suggest numerous questions - Is that a clandestine rendezvous? What happened behind that police tape? Who is skulking inrepparttar 107473 shadows? Is someone in that sea of faces guilty, and of what? This is why we wantrepparttar 107474 viewer to watch Conspiracy? and make up his or her own mind as to what really happened”, explained ZONA Director/Creative Director Zoa Martinez.

On Stitcher Express 1.0

Written by Paul Hood

"REALVIZ Stitcher Express is a product, which has been on many peoples' wish list for some time now," explains Dominique Pouliquen, REALVIZ CEO. "With digital camera sales still onrepparttar increase, there are more and more people out there who fall intorepparttar 107464 'amateur' category, yet who still demand a robust, high-quality product, able to deliverrepparttar 107465 kind of professional results, with multi-row capability up to full spherical panoramas, whichrepparttar 107466 more main-stream photo-stitching products are unable to offer. At a lead-in price of $119 US (99 Euros), Stitcher Express is also affordable to all."

The Stitcher Express 1.0 is a versatile application that is grounded on a simple drag, drop and stitch principle enabling professional as well as amateur photographers to create outstanding panoramas from digital photos with just a few clicks. It offers a straightforward approach to stitching and providesrepparttar 107467 user a better control ofrepparttar 107468 process.

It is compatible with both Adobe Photoshop and QuickTime software.

The Stitcher Express Feature Set Includes:

* Semi-automatic stitching of photos, enablingrepparttar 107469 creation of panoramas up to 360° x 180° (complete spheres!)

* Automatic light equalization

* The possibility to remove moving objects from images (pedestrians, cars, or any other object moving between two shots)

* Automatic panorama alignment

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