Hilton Head Beaches

Written by Jeff Palmer


The Travel Channel recently ranked Hilton Head Island number three in its "America's Best Beaches" program. It's no wonder that Hilton Head Island's beaches have gained so much attention. The shoreline is clean, wide and sandy. Come and enjoyrepparttar island's 12 miles of pristine beaches.

Following are some general guidelines and Hilton Head Beach regulations as well as some beach first aid tips.

Public Access to Hilton Head Island Beaches:

The Town of Hilton Head Island provides four (4) Public Beach Accesses as follows:

1. Alder Lane Beach Access off South Forest Beach Drive - Parking available.

2. Beachfront at Coligny Circle - Parking available.

3. Driessen Beach Park atrepparttar 136625 end of Bradley Beach Road - Parking available.

4. Folly Field Beach Park off Folly Field Road - Parking available.

Plantations with beaches have numerous beach access points for their guests.

Prohibited atrepparttar 136626 Beach all seasons

* Liquor, beer or wine. * All forms of glassware. * Shark fishing. * Horses. * Sleeping onrepparttar 136627 beach after midnight. * The operation, launching or landing of motorized watercraft ( except in emergencies )

Seasonal Rules From April 1st - September 30th

No Stunt Kites between 10AM-6PM. No sand sailing between 10AM-6PM. No fishing or surf casting in designated swimming areas. No surfboards or other articles to riderepparttar 136628 surf in designated swimming areas. No frisbees or other team sports involving a ball in designated swimming areas. No games with metal components (such as metal horseshoes) in designated swimming areas.

Animal Regulations for all Hilton Head Beaches

October 1st - April 1st - No leashes required at any time. The animal is required to be under positive voice control. April 1st - May 22nd - Animals must be on a leash between 10AM and 5PM. May 23rd until Monday of Labor Day weekend - NO animals allowed onrepparttar 136629 beach between 10AM-5PM. Tuesday after Labor Day - September 30th - Animals must be on a leash from 10AM-5PM. Onrepparttar 136630 beach or not, local law requires owners to clean up after their pets.

Beach Safety

* Protect your skin: Sunlight contains two kinds of UV rays -- UVA increasesrepparttar 136631 risk of skin cancer, skin aging, and other skin diseases. UVB causes sunburn and can lead to skin cancer. Limitrepparttar 136632 amount of direct sunlight you receive between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. and wear a sunscreen with a sun protection factor containing a high rating such as 15.

* Drink plenty of water regularly and often even if you do not feel thirsty. Your body needs water to keep cool. Avoid drinks with alcohol or caffeine in them. They can make you feel good briefly but makerepparttar 136633 heat's effects on your body worse. This is especially true with beer, which dehydratesrepparttar 136634 body.

* Watch for signs of heat stroke: Heat stroke is life-threatening. The victim's temperature control system, which produces sweating to coolrepparttar 136635 body, stops working. The body temperature can rise so high that brain damage and death may result ifrepparttar 136636 body is not cooled quickly. Signals include hot, red, and dry skin; changes in consciousness, rapid, weak pulse, and rapid, shallow breathing. Call 9-1-1 or your local EMS number. Moverepparttar 136637 person to a cooler place. Quickly coolrepparttar 136638 body by wrapping wet sheets aroundrepparttar 136639 body and fan it. If you have ice packs or cold packs, place them on each ofrepparttar 136640 victim's wrists and ankles, inrepparttar 136641 armpits and onrepparttar 136642 neck to coolrepparttar 136643 large blood vessels. Watch for signals of breathing problems and make surerepparttar 136644 airway is clear. Keeprepparttar 136645 person lying down.

Enjoy Your Next Cruise Without Gaining 10 Pounds

Written by Lee Dobbins

Lets face it, one ofrepparttar joys of a cruise isrepparttar 136572 sumptuous world class food that is available everywhere and in great quantities. Needless to say, nearly anyone who has embarked on a cruise has come back a bit heavier, but that doesn’t have to berepparttar 136573 case. There are many other amenities aboard every cruise ship that you can enjoy and still fit into your bathing suit atrepparttar 136574 end ofrepparttar 136575 trip.

One key to not overeating is to simply only eat when you are hungry. Avoidrepparttar 136576 temptation to eat at every chance you get and ask yourself “Am I really that hungry”. If you are then go ahead and fill up, but if you are not, pass onrepparttar 136577 food or eat just a little bit or a piece of fruit.

Another thing to remember is that you do not have to sample everything onrepparttar 136578 buffet every night! If there are many things you would like to try, then pace yourself throughoutrepparttar 136579 week. How about taking just a bite or two of that tempting dessert instead of eating two pieces? Those 2 bites will taste just as good as eatingrepparttar 136580 whole thing and leave you feeling much lighter.

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