Highlights Early Learning Program

Written by Madhur.G.Bajaj

Dear Sir/Mam,

As a parent your biggest responsibility is to prepare your child forrepparttar future , physically emotionally and mentally. The first big Intellectual Challenge your child will face isrepparttar 109399 Entrance Test for KG and later forrepparttar 109400 First Standard . Every parent will feel anxious. We know that a child is born with a million of brain cells called Neurons and they form connection to each other called synapses. You can makerepparttar 109401 synapses strong by providing your child with a variety of Input & Experiences. If this is not provided at an early age we lose an important learning opportunity. The early years are most important. Children who are well prepared at home are more confident, enthusiastic, and involved at school. Children who have not received these vital inputs tend to be more withdrawn and less involved. Children are natural learners. They need to be stimulated with a wide variety of inputs.

Linguaphone International Language

Written by Madhur.G.Bajaj

Dear Sir/Mam,

Dont you feel good when a foreigner speaks a few lines of Hindi to you. How would you feel if you could dorepparttar same when you go to a foreign land?

We are here to help you to achieve confidence and fluency in communication with a vocabulary of 2000 words for all kinds of situations as well as develops and consolidatesrepparttar 109398 4 skills of communication speaking, reading, understanding, and writing in any international language

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