High Google Rankings: Frequency vs. Positioning

Written by Ulli G. Niemann

There's an assumption thatrepparttar higher a ranking or positioning you have with major search engines;repparttar 128134 more people will beat a path to your web doorstep. But based on my experience, that's simply not true! There's another factor that is just as important and may actually drive more traffic to your site.

This big secret is frequency: The number of times your name appears when someone enters a key word in a search engine. I believe thatrepparttar 128135 more times you appear in a search,repparttar 128136 greaterrepparttar 128137 likelihood of someone actually clicking through to your site.

How do you get frequent listings in search engines? Write quality content articles.

I’m an investment advisor and a while ago I started a second web site (www.successful-investment.com) to promote my weekly mutual fund newsletter, capture potential prospect names and house a library of my published articles.

To get people torepparttar 128138 site, I naturally wanted to move up inrepparttar 128139 search engine food chain. I didrepparttar 128140 usual meta tag things, but that didn't cause my rise inrepparttar 128141 rankings. What did cause it surprised me.

One of my first articles (“Do lifestyle funds provide greater security?”) was submitted to some 30 article banks and web sites. Many of them reprinted it, which increasedrepparttar 128142 number of appearances of my name associated withrepparttar 128143 topic. Since many of these sites were already ranked high onrepparttar 128144 search engines, I rode on their success.

Searching Google for "Lifestyle funds" produces over 3 million results. Onrepparttar 128145 first page of results my article is listed four times, onrepparttar 128146 second page three times and on page three it's listed three times, and so on. If you were searching this term, with that much presence you would not likely overlook me.

In addition to generating hits on my web site from potential clients, my frequent listing in search engines yielded another benefit: I was invited to CNNfn's Hollywood studio to discuss my article “How to evaluate load vs. no load mutual funds.” They found me by searching Google for "load vs. no load." That produced almost 5 million results and onrepparttar 128147 first page my article appears three times, onrepparttar 128148 second three times and onrepparttar 128149 third three time as well—and some included my company listing. I was an authority!

Inrepparttar 128150 past six months I have written and published 17 articles withrepparttar 128151 key search terms being part ofrepparttar 128152 title. I pretty much get similar results with all of them. Why? I believe quality content is a key.

Marketing Articles: Getting A Better Search Engine Rank For All Of Your Pages!

Written by Martin Lemieux

Marketing Articles: Getting A Better Search Engine Rank For All Of Your Pages! By: Martin Lemieux (Smartads - President) In one of my articles, I discussed how to market your web site link twice. It detailed out how to promote not only www.yoursite.com but how you should also promote your site withoutrepparttar www., like this: http://yoursite.com.

This article is to talk about promoting ALL of your pages within your marketing campaign. See, most of us typically only promoterepparttar 128133 main page on our sites. Ex. www.yoursite.com. The truth is, your site is much more than justrepparttar 128134 1st page right? Well, let's condition ourselves to promote everything available within your site...

Search Engine Marketing is crutial for all companies who want to succeed online. I'm sure at one point or another, you will hear how "Optimizing your site for search engines is crutial". Of course, they aren't fooling you, it is a crutial marketing tactic but, what is also crutial is learning how to use different tools to boost your search engine placements once you've optimized your site forrepparttar 128135 web.

So let's talk aboutrepparttar 128136 marketing tactics available to you and implement strategies on how to promote all your pages within them.



Link popularity has become a norm for most small companies to implement in their daily promoting activities. Here'srepparttar 128137 problem, most companies that perform link exchanges daily fail to utilize it to their advantage. For ex. Let's say you perform approximately 10 link exchanges daily. For each one, you submitted your link "www.yoursite.com". What you'll want to start implementing is submitting 10 different links within your site.

Ex Link Exchanges:

Link #1: http://yoursite.com Link #2: http://yoursite.com/resources Link #3: http://www.yoursite.com/services And so on...

A good strategy would be to open up "Note Pad" and create allrepparttar 128138 links you want to promote.

1) Add each link 2) Assign an appropriate title to each link 3) Create an appropriate description for each link

Now all you have to do is to copy and paste each link when performing your daily link exchanges.

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