High Definition DVD: An Introduction

Written by Kenny Hemphill

Blu-ray is an optical disc format which is set to rival HD-DVD inrepparttar race to berepparttar 107341 de-facto standard storage medium for HDTV. The HD-DVD vs Blu-ray battle resembles that between Betamax and VHS and DVD+RW and DVD-RW.

Currently,repparttar 107342 major Hollywood film studios are split evenly in their support for Blu-ray and HD-DVD, but most ofrepparttar 107343 electronics industry is currently inrepparttar 107344 Blu-ray camp. The key difference between Blu-ray disc players and recorders and current optical disc technology is that Blu-ray, as its name suggests, uses a blue-violet laser to read and write data rather than a red one. Blue light has a shorter wavelength than red light, and according torepparttar 107345 Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA), which is made up of, amongst others, Sony, Philips, Panasonic, and Pioneer, this means thatrepparttar 107346 laser spot can be focussed with greater precision.


Written by Dean Erickson

Anti virus software is important for your computer's (and your) wellbeing andrepparttar Internet can help out with some free utilities.

How long have you been onrepparttar 107340 Internet? And you don't have any Antivirus software? That's certainly a big risk. Antivirus software utilities are expensive? Yes, it is true. Many of these programs are expensive, but they are absolutely essential.

Once installed on your system, and if kept properly updated of all virus definitions, an antivirus software utility will scan all files and separaterepparttar 107341 suspicious fromrepparttar 107342 safe. It will alert you if a file is infected and either delete it or quarantine it so it cannot cause havoc with your machine. That way you system is constantly protected fromrepparttar 107343 destructive behaviour of viruses. You will not be at risk of infection and, since a virus replicates itself, you will not risk infecting your friends. Still, if your budget is too limited to include some ofrepparttar 107344 heavyweight antivirus solutions such as Symantec's Norton, McAfee or Kaspersky, there are some free options available if you know where to look.

You basically have two options when it comes to free antivirus protection. You can use a free antivirus software package or you can do an online virus scan. Choosing an online virus scan is basically a good introduction to a product. Trendmicro.com scans your hard drive for free using its House Call antivirus software program. You allowrepparttar 107345 program access to your hard drive. It scans, locates and clean your infected files, if any, but won't collect personal information or log you IP address.

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